No kidding, I hadn't really told anybody yet since my boss is on vacation so I'll continue to make sure I'm on the IDFPR site. They did change my web login slightly and the exam titles match the actual date I took them.
So you are sayign the CTS website has been updated? As in they fixed the error many people reported about having the dates associated with the wrong exams?
If this is true that makes me feel a little better as possibly everything is good now??
No doubt that CTS has plenty of issues. The reason our results were delayed in the fall was supposedly because someone was on sick leave. Seriously? No one else at that place knows how to post results? Unfortunately, it will take an act of god to get the state to change their process. They would have to hire people to process all the applications and review data, etc and given the state's budget they aren't going to do that even though it could probably be done for half of what continental charges them.