Please Help! Chapter 18 Practice Problems

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Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina
I have 4 questions... :dunno:

Problem 18.10) Why do we not use the SG of SAE40 oil in the equation deltaP*Q/1714? I would have thought the solution would have been to use the SG like deltaP*Q/(1714*SG). In table 18.4, why do some equations have the SG term in them and others do not? Can you use the deltaP*Q/1714 with any liquid without using that liquids SG? Is it true that you would only include the SG of a liquid other than water if you were using an equation from 18.4 that has the SG term included?

18.16) Why did they not use equation 18.43 in the solution. It seems easier and quicker and yields the same results...what am I missing?

18.18) Why not use deltaP*Vdot/3.819? Again it seems like it would be quicker since you wouldn't have to convert anything therefore avoiding the 1st step in the solution.

18.19) Why does the solution say "The flow rate is gamma*Vdot= 6.24*10^-5 lbf/sec? I'm no genius but I've never heard of a flow rate giving in terms of lbf/sec?!?!?! Can someone please show me a gamma*Vdot equation in the MERM? I have never seen this equation. Also what's up with the equation for power they use? It's eff*flow rate*height....can someone also please show me the eq in the MERM for this?

Thanks for all the help and I hope none of these are stupid questions. Thanks!
