Pizza delivery boy gets $10 tip for $1,500 order

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
I don't think he needs $100 tip, but it takes a lot of time to load/unload that many pizzas...they usually get 2-3 bucks at every stop on average and he missed out on a bunch of deliveries making one huge stop.

I would say it is a little low considering that was prob the only delivery the driver could make without having to go back to the store to get other orders (so less money per trip out/gas spent) and depending on how far the drive was prob took 45-60min by the time they carried all those pizzas in. Certainly doesn't warrant anything like the 10% the article mentions but I don't think $20 would have been out of the question considering someone just dropped 1500 on pizza.

He is a delivery boy, not a waiter. The % deal doesn't apply. That big of an order probably came with a delivery fee attached, so the $10 is fair. Looks like someone justs wants media attention.

The signature says "phone". when th order was called in they probably asked the customer if he wanted to include a tip to which he replied "add $10". 1) any pizza shop should be grateful for selling 85 pizzas at an average of $17.10/each (can you say profit??) 2) Any gratuity to people that delivered them could have been in cash. We don't know. 3) "tipping" is out of control. When 85 pizzas are ordered on a single order they should be delivered for free (see no. 1).

Cap'n: you need to add "no tip is necessary" to the poll

to all:

Q.) When you order take-out from a typically eat-in restaurant and pick it up yourself do you add a "tip"?

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I absolutely hate tipping.

MA, I thought about it, but fgured too high covered that.

this is one subject that europe has it right. You do not tip in restaurants unless you were completely amazed by the service and even then the wait staff didn't want it because it meant more paperwork for them.

Pay the waitstaff so tiping isn't needed. yes the prices will go up but tips adds to the bill anyways

MA_PE said:
MA_PE said:
the signature says "phone". when th order was called in they probably asked the customer if he wanted to include a tip to which he replied "add $10". 1) any pizza shop should be grateful for selling 85 pizzas at an average of $17.10/each (can you say profit??) 2) Any gratuity to people that delivered them could have been in cash. We don't know. 3) "tipping" is out of control. When 85 pizzas are ordered on a single order they should be delivered for free (see no. 1).Cap'n: you need to add "no tip is necessary" to the poll
to all:

Q.) When you order take-out from a typically eat-in restaurant do you add a "tip"?
When I order carry out I don't, but if I have it delivered i do, not a percentage, but a couple of bucks or so...

You people are cheapskates!!!!!

Speaking from experience, as a minimum, a $20 bill would have been nice since it took two trips and since 85 delivered pizzas would have brought in north of $100 in normal circumstances. I think the patron of the pizza place would still be getting a good deal for the delivery at $20. (I think the delivery guy got screwed because the pizza patrons had to pay full price, which is ridiculous, and were likely unhappy from the start)

I expected a different response from people that earn a decent living and might know what standard delivery charges are for components of the things that get designed by us.

I'm sure those of you that don't tip, never look the delivery guy in the eye... At least those that would stiff me never did! (they also made sure that they closed the door quickly after I said "Thank You")

I only said I don't tip for take out, in which case no special "service" (waitress or delivery) was provided worthy of tipping.

This is probably another case of all the details weren't given. The credit slip just the final cost...the delivery boy probably had no clue what the exact details were for the order other than the number of pizzas and the address.

Delivery is a service the restaurant provides. If they want to make sure their drivers get paid then they need to add a delivery charge to be paid to the driver or live with what people give. The local Jimmy johns by my sisters work charges like 50cents to a dollar per item delievered that goes directly to the delivery person.

I agree with Dex, I do tip for delivery, just not carry out...I don't tip for a place where I stand in a line to order my food even though I may sit in the dining room and eat afterwards, the tip is for service, not for making my food, if I have to stand I'm serving myself!

That's a lot low. It would have shown more class to have given the driver at least $50.

I tip for service that's done well on the places I frequent becuase of the symbiosis it creates. My wife noticed my divide by five style and commented on it when we first started dating. She worked as a waitress for some high end restaurant in Atlanta where the tips were the only paycheck. If the service is poor then divide by 6, if it's great divide by five. Everyone has bad days, but I still like to kill them with kindness. Plus, most of the places I frequent know me and the service shows. The times I don't tip for food are anything with a drive thru or counter, but carryout... I still tip them becuase most of the establisments divide the tips between everyone, cooks, servers.. etc.. Just the tip

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Sorry for coming off as preachy. Apparently I was grumpy at work today and since I was the "delivery boy" at one time, it struck a nerve. I would get $0.50/ delivery from the pizza place (no matter the distance) when gas was just below $2.00/gal. This sounds good coupled with tips, but the tires, maintenance, and racked up mile on an old beater car made the tips very important. (area that I served was large and If I had the wheels on fire I could get 4-6 deliveries per hour)

Long story short, I tip based on the quality of service, and I'm pretty easy to make happy. Therefore, I air on what I think is the high side (15%-20%) since getting a good tip used to make my day...

I expected a different response from people that earn a decent living and might know what standard delivery charges are for components of the things that get designed by us.

You tip the truck driver who delivers components to you?

I think $10 is a little low for hauling 85 pizzas. My logic is that he's spending extra time loading/unloading this single trip vs. a normal delivery. I can't see tipping any more than $20 for it though.
