personalized ring tones

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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Due to Boredom one night, I have assigned various ringtones to some of my contacts, just curious to see if you have any ring specific ringtones....

normal ringtone: Guns'n'Roses - Patience

wife: Crazy Bitch

Boss : I hate my life - Theory of a deadman

I switch back between two, depending on weather or not it's football season.

Normal ringtone: Futurama Opening Theme

(It's short, recognizable, but unique enough that I don't have to worry about anyone else having the same ringtone)

During football season I use "I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech"

I've been using the first 30 seconds of Stranglehold for mine. I haven't been interested enough to assign ring tones to specific contacts.

I use whatever it came with. Its a Tracfone. My wife is the only person who has my number.

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Both my work cell and personal cell use their respective defaults. I've been tempted to download something for my phone, but I never seem to remember to do it when I actually have the time to look for something.

I use the generic ring tone on my generic, free-with-a-two-year-contract phone. If I care who's calling, I'll see it on the screen.

i tried to find Vaders March from star wars for the boss but I cant find a good one (if anyone see's one)

I put two or three work contacts in there so while I am on the boat or at home if its one I really need to jump up and answer I will, otherwise I can go back to chillin...

I switch between "I'm on a boat" by The lonely island, which may very well be the worst music EVER, but I thought it was funny and

"toes" by the Zac Brown band....that song I like!

I set people's name into Morse code. My general ring tone is CQ CQ CQ in code; others have their name or call-sign (if they are a ham) in code as the ring tone.

Messages is SMS in code (... -- ...); voice mails are SOS is code.

It is funny to have it go off around a bunch of older hams, they all start looking for the radio that is on to respond; but I'm leery to give it away as it lets me know right away that it's my phone that's going off when in a crowd. It is also helpful to know who is calling without picking up the phone and looking at it; just have to listen to the ring.

They were all made with free software; and are fairly easy to do.

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personal phone, general ringtone: I AM GASOLINE (Overhaulin' Theme)

work phone, general ringtone: CYANIDE (Metallica)

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I use "Pour some Sugar on Me" for the wife, A naval "Collision Alarm" for the work switchboard and the "Pi Song" for my kids.

I do not know the title but the ring tone I use for when my wife calls from a Pirates of the Caribbean I scenes. The one when the skeletons/pirates from the Black Peal are walking under water to attack a ship.

She found out and was not too happy about it. My kids still think it was hilarious.

This thread has spurred me on to add some new custom ringtones. I've added several classic NES theme songs and assigned them to family members and friends (people I remember playing those games a lot as a kid). It's actually pretty fun to take a trip down memory lane. :D

So far I've got Megaman, Zelda, Super Maro Bros., Punchout and Bubble Bobble (that one is for my brother, we always wondered about him :p )

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