Does any body have PE power - material available electronically..... like sample examples... good technical papers on various topics which are not covered in text books...
I am sure there might be few topics on which we might be tested in exam which are not covered in textbooks and you might have knowledge of it only by working in that field....
any guidance on how to prepare from NEC....
If any one is willing to share materials they might have collected... prob electronic versions....
It will be a great fav to ppl like me who are new in this field and taking exam for the first time...
I am sure there might be few topics on which we might be tested in exam which are not covered in textbooks and you might have knowledge of it only by working in that field....
any guidance on how to prepare from NEC....
If any one is willing to share materials they might have collected... prob electronic versions....
It will be a great fav to ppl like me who are new in this field and taking exam for the first time...