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Has anyone called PCS to pester yet this morning? If so, please post any information. Thanks.

I would love to be a fly on the wall at PCS and the state board of engineers just to see what in God's name is taking so long to get the scores out. Seriously, what is the hold up? All they have to do is literally "approve" already graded exams. What on earth could be taking them so long.

Minutes ago, I got in a technical support chat with someone from NCEES and they directed me to contact PCS. I then called PCS and they told me that they are waiting on the final go ahead from the PA State Board, but they believe that the scores should be released sometime today or tomorrow. When they are released we will receive emails letting us know. Oh the suspense.....

Yeah when I called on Friday, they said that PA already gave approval, and now they were in the process of just uploading scores. My fiance actually called PCS today because I am tired of dealing with them, and they told her basically word for word what Porkfist just said.

I thought the PA Board gave the final go ahead on Friday..... I really hope I pass and do not have to deal with PCS again
Tell me about it. They lost/"mis-filed" my application on the first go around. This whole process has been a huge test of my patience, why should the results be any different.

Haha, that happened to me too, I got mine in before October 2011's deadline, but they didnt tell me I was approved until after the registration for that exam had closed.

The state board returned my application "approved to sit for the exam" one day after the deadline to actually sign up on PCS..... The board is incompetent.

They denied my first application over 1 month experience......................mind you two months had passed since the time of application. I then called to assure this was the only issue, and decided to wait for this test.....then during my resubmittal they denied me because of formatting my experience, literally made me scramble and reaaply because I had 6 pages instead of 4 pages of experience. I barely made the deadline.

I thought I was just having a bad experience, but it seems to be more of a normal situation.

My application was also rejected by the board due to the formatting. I actually laughed about that one, for instance I worked at a company for three years so I put three years in the right column on the front page and then spread my time at that company out over the front page and the next two. I called to explain but they were not interested in any explanation. It seemed like they were looking for any reason to reject an application.

Mine was returned the first go around because I put supervisors names in the work Experience field, because you know the column for supervisor is like a cm wide.

Mine was held up b/c my degree and EIT were in my maiden name and I currently use my married name. Even after I sent my marriage certificate and gov't id showing my maiden name is my middle name now, they were confused and sat on the application for a couple more months until I pushed the issue.

i applied for the October 28th 2011 exam and was approved by State board on October 31st 2011. I had a go round of revising my amplified record also.
