October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I decided to go all-out and be my own Valentine earlier this year (made a nice breakfast on a weekday, made red velvet cupcakes, picked up takeout from a new restaurant I wanted to try, played my favorite album, bought myself some jewelry, poured myself a glass of my favorite scotch, opened a bottle of my favorite wine, bought my favorite flowers, etc) and it was a real eye-opener to how well I can treat myself 💁‍♀️
Sounds expensive. 😁💸

Our culture definitely frames dating/marriage/having kids as the end goal in life, and it really isn't.  If that's what you want, great! But I hate how our accomplishments are so often narrowed to who we have sex with and how many kids we pop out.  Our lives and accomplishments are much more substantive than that.  
I agree, but at the same time, popping out a kid is quite substantial.  I never thought I would think of watching my own child be born be that big a deal, but I guess it's something you have to experience to realize.  I can see it both ways.  My life would be equally exciting without marriage/kids, just in a different way.

I agree, but at the same time, popping out a kid is quite substantial.  I never thought I would think of watching my own child be born be that big a deal, but I guess it's something you have to experience to realize.  I can see it both ways.  My life would be equally exciting without marriage/kids, just in a different way.
I'm not saying it isn't.  It's substantial to people who want kids.  I want kids.  But do I want my life framed based on that one accomplishment? No.

I agree, but at the same time, popping out a kid is quite substantial.  I never thought I would think of watching my own child be born be that big a deal, but I guess it's something you have to experience to realize.  I can see it both ways.  My life would be equally exciting without marriage/kids, just in a different way.
But that's from a dad point of view.  I don't think I'd want to go through the hormones and everything that I had to see my mom and all the women in my family go through after having kids.  Def changes your body.

Anyone plays DOTA 2 on steam? It's a great time killer.

As someone who lived in NY/LI-area: splitting expenses and being naked in your home really are the only reasons to have a spouse.  How else can you afford the property taxes each year?
This applies to the where I live and how I feel, also, though it's the rent for me.

It was! But still cheaper than paying for my ex's portion of the rent and way better than doing all his cooking, cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping! 🙃
Yeah, that sounds like a lot of dead weight on the budget. 💸💸💸

I decided to go all-out and be my own Valentine earlier this year (made a nice breakfast on a weekday, made red velvet cupcakes, picked up takeout from a new restaurant I wanted to try, played my favorite album, bought myself some jewelry, poured myself a glass of my favorite scotch, opened a bottle of my favorite wine, bought my favorite flowers, etc) and it was a real eye-opener to how well I can treat myself 💁‍♀️
It's amazing.  I love treating myself.  I love doing things that make me happy, like going to the museum or whatever, and not asking for permission or not doing it because someone is unable to go with me.  Buying flowers for myself every other week just...makes me so happy, I don't even know.  Once I started doing things for me, instead of for others, I really became more happier.

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