October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Hope you're not downwind from this @SNAPE/SMOTT PE.
No, my house is ~35 miles north of this....winds are not going to bring it in my direction. But I got told I needed to look into other jobs after the tank fires in Houston. I’m sure I’ll get told again I need to get out of petrochemical and refining. My spouse hates me working in it.

No, my house is ~35 miles north of this....winds are not going to bring it in my direction. But I got told I needed to look into other jobs after the tank fires in Houston. I’m sure I’ll get told again I need to get out of petrochemical and refining. My spouse hates me working in it.
I can imagine!

Really hope things get better :(

So..,who wants to analyze the projection flying out of the second explosion? I say a s&t ex. or a piece of a process tower.

So..,who wants to analyze the projection flying out of the second explosion? I say a s&t ex. or a piece of a process tower.
maybe? I'm not exactly an expert on petrochemical plants. Could it be another kind of storage tank? I looks like it was propulsive for a short period. Maybe it started horizontal, explosion moved it up, stayed mostly horizontal, ignition occurred out one end, and it had propulsion, uncontrolled of course and starts to flip, runs out of fuel and stays ballistic, some burning of residual fuel or housing that continues the fire without adding propulsion. Didn't see it hit the ground.

Nevermind, I found a cleaner video. Too zoomed in to see the initial loft of the projectile. It looks like it stated horizontal and was with a with a bunch of other induced draft heat exchangers? so maybe it is S&T ex.

The video quality and zoom makes me think they knew something big was about to go down.

I figured part of a tower, or an exchanger. Exchangers sometimes are installed in the vertical, but not as common. Tower it was.

Right on the Louisiana border. I read "95 miles east of Houston" and thought to myself, "I didn't know there was 95 miles of Texas east of Houston..."

Sucks something fierce for those nearby, though.

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Yeah, this part of Texas is different from everywhere else. 

Right on the Louisiana border. I read "95 miles east of Houston" and thought to myself, "I didn't know there was 95 miles of Texas east of Houston..."

Sucks something fierce for those nearby, though.

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