October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Since the Wednesday before the Pe, my body has decided 5am is wake up time

We moved 4 of my bookshelves over and most of my kitchen stuff. Coworker came and took my couch. Im a lot less fit than when I last had to carry it (I've paid for movers for my last 2-3 moves)

Bleck. I did a portion of the yard back in june and got 5bags. We have so many branches down since we've had 2 windstorms lately
We have a black walnut tree in our back yard, and it makes our yard pretty high-maintenance. In the spring it drops seedlings, in the summer it drops walnuts, and in the fall it drops a huge amount of leaves everywhere. Also, the park across the street has a huge maple (I believe) and the winds tend to blow its leaves in our front.

The PE exam last year made it hard for me to want to rake the leaves, so i’m Kinda paying for it this year...

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Yeah, TOP!  :bananalama: :th_rockon:

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