According to this article:, last year, NCEES released the results to the states on Dec. 12. From what I've seen on this forum, the notification emails were sent on the same day. So all the rumors that you can find out if you passed from the state website are just rumors.I’ve heard rumor that the states post your license information on their “lookup” search engine before releasing the results to the NCEES. Any truth to this, how long beforehand, and does California do this?
The only way to find out if you passed, before you get the email, is to keep checking the NCEES website. They have to post the results and make sure they are displayed correctly before they sent the notification emails. So you can probably find out if you passed a few hours before you get the email.
Seriously. Raise, stamp, etc aside, I just want to know either way! As the great Tom Petty once sang, "The waaaaaaiiiiting is the hardest part"
^ that's never fun if there are a couple of you and boss acts like that.
^ wow. Generally don't see that many in the same electrical group. Consulting/MEP firm or something?
And just wait until that first state releases results. Productivity for everyone else goes right out the window that day.
^ wow. Generally don't see that many in the same electrical group. Consulting/MEP firm or something?
And just wait until that first state releases results. Productivity for everyone else goes right out the window that day.
That is going to be the absolute worst!