Oct 2015

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Tennessee had their board meeting last Thursday and Friday.  Nothing about exams on the agenda, but hopefully that is a good sign that Tennessee results will come out fairly quickly.  I'm hoping so for the sake of my fiance and (mostly) my sanity.


i need to start drinking heavily. this wait is killing me.

For those who took the exam in CA, I found this in the board meeting minutes from December 4th:

"III. Closed Session – Personnel Matters, Examination Procedures and Results, Administrative Adjudication, and Pending Litigation "

So, maybe the state has received the exam results and needs to give NCEES the go-ahead to release them?

It's completely pointless, but somehow all this speculation is comforting. 

For those who took the exam in CA, I found this in the board meeting minutes from December 4th:"III. Closed Session – Personnel Matters, Examination Procedures and Results, Administrative Adjudication, and Pending Litigation "

So, maybe the state has received the exam results and needs to give NCEES the go-ahead to release them?

It's completely pointless, but somehow all this speculation is comforting. 
NCEES will let the world know when they send the info to the states.

Just looked up info on WA Engineer Look up. No update for me or my friend as of Information Current as of 12/07/2015 5:36PM Pacific Time . Also nothing on the NCEES. 

Just looked up info on WA Engineer Look up. No update for me or my friend as of Information Current as of 12/07/2015 5:36PM Pacific Time . Also nothing on the NCEES. 

I just looked again as well. Though in my case its not much of a surprise and Id clearly be banned if I posted every time I did so. I had to charge my phone 4 times (was actually told I should put it down for a while as I was eating lunch) and pretty sure the f5 key print has worn off. Ill look at least a dozen more times before I fall asleep....dreaming of refreshing that page. I wondered why half of my professors had weird ticks and quirks.....I now understand. OCD isn't something you're born with, it's taught. In my case it was forced upon me by the regime (also known as NCEES). I will not commit any more thought crimes I promise, but please big brother, please tell me if I am good enough to pass.

Just looked up info on WA Engineer Look up. No update for me or my friend as of Information Current as of 12/07/2015 5:36PM Pacific Time . Also nothing on the NCEES. 
Same here. Either we all failed or they haven't released. Let's hope for the latter. 

Same here. Either we all failed or they haven't released. Let's hope for the latter. 
Same here. Don't think the results have even been released to the boards yet.... or maybe the membership status for those who've passed will be updated after the meetings this week.

I just looked again as well. Though in my case its not much of a surprise and Id clearly be banned if I posted every time I did so. I had to charge my phone 4 times (was actually told I should put it down for a while as I was eating lunch) and pretty sure the f5 key print has worn off. Ill look at least a dozen more times before I fall asleep....dreaming of refreshing that page. I wondered why half of my professors had weird ticks and quirks.....I now understand. OCD isn't something you're born with, it's taught. In my case it was forced upon me by the regime (also known as NCEES). I will not commit any more thought crimes I promise, but please big brother, please tell me if I am good enough to pass.
You won't get banned if you posted everytime you did in the spam thread. http://engineerboards.com/index.php?/topic/25794-october-2015-spamfest/&page=1

Following the earlier speculation based on state board meetings... 

NC has a board meeting scheduled for 12/9 and 12/10!

