Oct 2015

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I made the switch to Verizon about two months ago, best thing ever,
Yeah, I think I have had Verizon for around 10 years now. Still have my unlimited data plan off contract. It is the best!

Although I am intrigued by Google's Project Fi. The problem for me is I made the switch from Android to iPhone about a year ago and am not eager to go back. Plus, again, the unlimited data thing...

Yeah, I think I have had Verizon for around 10 years now. Still have my unlimited data plan off contract. It is the best!

Although I am intrigued by Google's Project Fi. The problem for me is I made the switch from Android to iPhone about a year ago and am not eager to go back. Plus, again, the unlimited data thing...
I love my iphone too much to switch...big apple fan boy here

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what's wrong with android?

(  o  )(  o  )

I despise the iphone (work makes me have it)... so many problems.  I miss droid like whoa

(  o  )(  o  )

I despise the iphone (work makes me have it)... so many problems.  I miss droid like whoa
I used to be totally anti-iphone as well. I spent three years with Android before switching, which cured all the droid problems  :D

My husband has an iPhone. I don't know why he didn't get an Android... maybe because we're already with ATT? ATT had the cheapest plan when we got our phones 10 years ago, and we don't like change I guess. I still have a flip phone. You damn kids and all your newfangled gadgets! They're all the same.
