Electric Machines, Drives and Power Systems (Wildi)
Power Systems Analysis (Grainger/Stevenson)
"Public Lighting" & "IESNA Illumination Handbook" for lighting questions(there aren't too many).
Handbook of Electric Power Calculations by H. Wayne Beaty
EC&M's Electrical Calculations Handbook by Paschal
PE Power Electrical Engineering Sample Exam by KAPLAN
Electric Machinery by Kingsley/Fitzgerald/Umans
Above are the ref./study materials that I've gathered from this and other forums as being the "must haves". Not to beat an old dog to death, but any comments from the 2009 test takers (passers) on these materials?
I'm interested in buying from anyone who has any of these books.
THank you.
Power Systems Analysis (Grainger/Stevenson)
"Public Lighting" & "IESNA Illumination Handbook" for lighting questions(there aren't too many).
Handbook of Electric Power Calculations by H. Wayne Beaty
EC&M's Electrical Calculations Handbook by Paschal
PE Power Electrical Engineering Sample Exam by KAPLAN
Electric Machinery by Kingsley/Fitzgerald/Umans
Above are the ref./study materials that I've gathered from this and other forums as being the "must haves". Not to beat an old dog to death, but any comments from the 2009 test takers (passers) on these materials?
I'm interested in buying from anyone who has any of these books.
THank you.