nah - age had nothing to do with it

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Of course they were sitting there calmly...they had no idea they had driven into a building! If the public is going to keep putting the pressure on us to reduce the number of traffic accidents, at some point the public is going to need to take responsibility...and that might mean older driver testing. It's always some old guy slamming on the "brake" and hitting a small child. The elderly are out for the younger generations because those kids keep stealing their pills.

I liked this charming passage: "Three other people were also transported because of the shock of the accident. "

Wow! A new way to cash in on accidents that didn't involve you! BRILLIANT!!!!

I don't know about you suckers, but I'm heading over to the local dangerous intersection and waiting for something 'shocking' to happen.

I've gotten so used to seeing them that I don't pay much attention, but I think all the Wal-Marts, and all the major box stores near me have pillars every 5 feet or so in front of the entrance so you don't drive a car through it.

If the public is going to keep putting the pressure on us to reduce the number of traffic accidents, at some point the public is going to need to take responsibility...
I personally do not think the penalty for traffic infractions are strict enough. A drivers license is not a right, you must demonstrate the capability and maturity to drive. For example, as a licensed engineer, if I do not follow the law, I will loose my license or have it suspended. Same thing goes for a Dr or lawyer. But not a driver! As a driver, you have people's lives and property in you hand, just like a Dr or engineer.

Break the law, suspend the license! I don't care if it is doing 60 in a 55 zone. That is how the road ways will be made safer. (granted those who get suspended, will just drive with out a license ->can't win)

Break the law, suspend the license! I don't care if it is doing 60 in a 55 zone. That is how the road ways will be made safer. (granted those who get suspended, will just drive with out a license ->can't win)
Suspend a license for 60 in a 55? You realize of course, that the design speed of most 55mph highways is ~75-80mph. This isn't a safety issue. The 55mph national limit was borne out of the gas crisis of the mid-70's in order to save fuel.

Following your logic, one's engineering license should be pulled if he/she makes a math error on a calculation (regardless of the impact on the final design). There is such a thing as swinging the pendulum too far the other way.

FWIW, it's my opinion that there should be an upper cutt-off age for a driver's license. For example, I gladly support a bill saying once you're 80 you can't have a driver's license any more. How many incidents like this does it take to admit that people get old and should not be allowed to operate machines like cars any more?

That cuts both ways. My Grandma was almost ninety and she drove just as well as she did when she was fifty eight. She couldn't drive very well at fifty eight, though.

I'd be for testing at eighty, but automatic license suspension is a bit much.

That cuts both ways. My Grandma was almost ninety and she drove just as well as she did when she was fifty eight. She couldn't drive very well at fifty eight, though.
I'd be for testing at eighty, but automatic license suspension is a bit much.
Consider the blanket rules that get passed whenevr there's an incident invloving a young driver (more education, raise the driving age, curfews, operating restrictions (no other riders but siblings, etc, etc.) balh, blah, blah). What happens when an elderly individual "thought he hit the brakes" but instead hit the gas and crippled/killed someone? Nothing.

You can't test each individual for senility or reaction time. The typical life expectancy is ~80 therefore it's a good place to start. no 80? then let's cut it off at 85? 90? The guy in the story was 93 with one passenger - his 90yo wife. One should not be driving a car then.

There's always exceptioons to rules, but the general good needs to be considered.

Oh and I should add that I recall being a passenger at ~14yo with my grandmother driving (she was ~70). she had glaucoma and severe arthritis. Wonderful woman but I was pretty nervous in the car. I definitely could've driven better than she did. My mother and my aunts and uncles took gram off the road shortly thereafter.

There some elderly people out there that don't have that support system to take them off the road so it should be mandated.

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Makes me think of the FAA...things on the aviation side are a LOT stricter...medical tests, age limits, recurrent training and such to keep a license because the FAA has a pretty strict safety policy and it can seemingly get away with regulations.

Last time I got mine renewed I sat there and watched the examiner basically walk an old lady through her eye test...

"Do you see a light now? On the right? Right now do you see a blinking light on the right?"

"Oh yes, there it is."

"Okay do you see the one blinking on the left now?"

She obviously couldn't see, but she got her license and went on her way. I found out that it's nearly impossible for the DMV to not issue a license no matter how poorly they may drive.

Age limits on drivers licenses sound all well and good, but you guys forget one thing. Old people droves. It's like politicians voting for their own increase in pay. Old people will never vote for age limits on anything, and they vote in larger numbers than us.

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Age limits on drivers licenses sound all well and good, but you guys forget one thing. Old people droves. It's like politicians voting for their own increase in pay. Old people will never vote for age limits on anything, and they vote in larger numbers than us.

Pretty much - the lawmakers won't vote for age limits because old folks would respond by voting them out of office.

Oldtimers love to vote, don't they? It's the one time every couple years that everybody has to listen to them. :eek:ld-025:

I don't remember the exact ages, but in IL at a point all senior citizens have to renew their license every 2 yr, then every year which includes written vision and a driving test. While waiting to get my car registration stickers I have seen them fail little old ladies on the driving test.

I don't remember the exact ages, but in IL at a point all senior citizens have to renew their license every 2 yr, then every year which includes written vision and a driving test. While waiting to get my car registration stickers I have seen them fail little old ladies on the driving test.

I worked with a lady whose father was well into his golden years. His eyesight started to go and soon, he was sideswiping the tree adjacent to his driveway, about once a month. She pulled him aside one day and said, "This is a problem, dad. You know something has to be done and I don't want to have to do it." So the next weekend, she went over to visit and the tree had been cut down. :true:

My dad said having a mother in her late eighties was not at all different from having a teenager. They both tried to cover up mistakes so they didn't get 'punished.' Regarding the teenager in question, I assume he was refering to my sister.
