Mothers Little Helper - any recommendations for drugs?

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That may be why I did so well on the FE. I drank excessively in the weeks leading up to the exam (my last semester in college), then I got really drunk at halftime of the exam. Somehow, I ended up passing.

Really drunk? Wow.

I got really drunk the night before the FE. Stayed up till 4 in the morning and shaved my head SLICK! I got laughed at alot by my classmates during the exam, wasn't pretty.

Pulled an 18 hour shift doing material inspection at a Seaport last week. Drank an entire 12 pack of Vault. I would advise against doing the same for test purposes, I damn near had a stroke.

I think the best you can do is get plenty of sleep on the same consistent schedule as you will on exam day for at least a week prior to the exam. I'd say not to take in any more caffeine on the day of the exam than what you take in during a normal day. Don't put anything in your body that will rock the boat.

If you happen to be a person who wakes and bakes, or takes a liquid lunch, then, who knows, you're body might protest if you make an exception on the day of the test.

Really drunk? Wow.
I got really drunk the night before the FE. Stayed up till 4 in the morning and shaved my head SLICK! I got laughed at alot by my classmates during the exam, wasn't pretty. 12 beers in the lunch hour.

I had a good sized cup of coffee and took a water and a diet dr. pepper with me last time (along with cough medicine for the cold I'd picked up). I didn't take any breaks and I was just fine as far as staying awake/concentrating. I can't live with out my morning coffee. Now...the guy next to me, he took about 10 bathroom breaks through out the day. I'm not joking about it. It got annoying after a while because the lady kept coming over for him.
