Modern Marvels came to film in my office yesterday

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Probie-one, PE
May 8, 2006
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Son of a bitch! I love that show, and apparently they were in our office yesterday filming for an upcoming episode and I missed it b/c I've been out on vacation. I'm so upset. :(

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Sounds like some office buddies are F'in with ya.
no, it has been confirmed, they were really here. I knew something was up when I arrived this morning and the entire office was clean, people cubicles were tidy, the layout table was completely cleared off, etc.. People around here don't go to those sorts of lengths for an elaborate ruse.

Yeah, what's to marvel at in your office?
You know, I am really not so sure? It sounds like they were doing something on technology used to design transportation systems, or at least that was the part that they were here to film. Funny thing is I guess they decided that rather then film the bit in one of the 'engineers' offices (the folks that have the programs on their computers that they were here to film) they decided it would be better to film in one of the managers offices which has a slightly nicer ambiance (i.e. the furniture doesn't predate the second world war), problem is they don't have the software on their computers to run whatever it is they wanted to show off. So they started pilfering computers and accessories from various cubicles and offices. Since I wasn't here yesterday it was my monitor cables that were 'borrowed' to set up their patchwork workstation. So even if I wasn't here form the filming I can still feel like I was part of the presentation right?

You know, I am really not so sure? It sounds like they were doing something on technology used to design transportation systems, or at least that was the part that they were here to film. Funny thing is I guess they decided that rather then film the bit in one of the 'engineers' offices (the folks that have the programs on their computers that they were here to film) they decided it would be better to film in one of the managers offices which has a slightly nicer ambiance (i.e. the furniture doesn't predate the second world war), problem is they don't have the software on their computers to run whatever it is they wanted to show off. So they started pilfering computers and accessories from various cubicles and offices. Since I wasn't here yesterday it was my monitor cables that were 'borrowed' to set up their patchwork workstation. So even if I wasn't here form the filming I can still feel like I was part of the presentation right?
One day when you have grandkids you can pull out the recorded copy of Modern Marvels and point to that monitor cable and say "Junior, long ago that was my monitor cable." Any they will look in to dear old grandpa’s eyes and think you are one crazy son of a bitch.

I just talked with a buddy who works at the History Channel, and he said the modern marvel was "Corporate Time Wasters." Supposedly, roadwreck was to be the subject of an ambush style interview while posting to

Guess it was good you were out that day.

I just talked with a buddy who works at the History Channel, and he said the modern marvel was "Corporate Time Wasters." Supposedly, roadwreck was to be the subject of an ambush style interview while posting to
Guess it was good you were out that day.
Good that I was out that day? Think of the publicity this site would get from being on a show like Modern Marvels! I mean all seven of the History Channel's dedicated viewers would see the show. Think of the traffic that could generate for this site!

so when is it supposed to air? I take it they filmed it in "B's" office? and not the cube with the column in the middle of it we used to make all the co-ops sit in...

I don't know when it's supposed to air. Yes, they filmed in B's office but I think they did get a few shots of the purple column cube as part of another episode they were shooting on corporate tactics to demoralize and humiliate young perspective engineers.

I worked with a bitter guy who once said this about the building we were in, "This used to be a $hit warehouse. Now its a people warehouse." Sadly, he was correct.

This episode of Modern Marvels will be airing tonight at 9pm (ET) on The History Channel. I saw a very rough cut of the portion they filmed here last week. It sounds like the scope of the show shifted somewhat. The episode was supposed to be about dangerous roads, with our segment of the show focusing on comparing safety of our roads to those in developing nations, specifically India and China. From the blurb on the Modern Marvels website it seems that topic was brushed aside for dune buggies. I guess 4-wheeling rednecks makes for better television then 2 billion Indian and Chinese.

I'll be tivoing it as I have a previous engagement this evening which will prevent me from viewing it 'live'. So don't give away the ending tomorrow as I won't have had a chance to watch it. ;)

Modern Marvels: Dangerous Roads
Take a ride along some of the world's most dangerous roads. From Bolivia's "Death Road," to California's fog-shrouded Highway 99, find the danger that waits behind every blind curve. Visit the Federal Highway Administration's test laboratory to see what's being done to make roads safer in the U.S. Finally, ride along in extreme four-wheel drive trucks with some adrenaline junkies that drive boulder-strewn trails just for the fun of it!
