Minimum Reinforcement Ratio

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Oct 27, 2008
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Minimum reinforcement ratio in masonry walls with single layer of steel

ƍ = As/(b.d) or

ƍ = As/(b.t)

b = width of wall, t = thickness of wall, d = t/2

In concrete there is no big difference in the two equations but in masonry there is big difference, so which one is the correct one?

Minimum reinforcement ratio in masonry walls with single layer of steelƍ = As/(b.d) or

ƍ = As/(b.t)

b = width of wall, t = thickness of wall, d = t/2

In concrete there is no big difference in the two equations but in masonry there is big difference, so which one is the correct one?
Wait a minute. Which minimum reinforcing, temperature and shrinkage steel or minimum reinforcing for flexure?

In concrete temperature and shrinkage is based on the gross area of concrete (b*t), but minimum flexural steel would be required to resist 1.2*cracking moment and subsequently would be based on d.

Sorry, I don't have a copy of the masonry code handy to see what they are looking for.

Keep in mind for shearwalls it is the length of the gross wall.

Minimum reinforcement ratio in masonry walls with single layer of steelƍ = As/(b.d) or

ƍ = As/(b.t)

b = width of wall, t = thickness of wall, d = t/2

In concrete there is no big difference in the two equations but in masonry there is big difference, so which one is the correct one?

I don't believe there are any minimum reinforcing requirements for flexural design of masonry. ACI 530-05 2.3.4, ASD reinforced masonry, simply states "axial and flexural tension shall be resisted entirely by steel reinforcement"

There are minimum provisions for seismic requirements provided in ACI 530-05 1.14. These provisions are for the gross section wall properties, As/(bt)

Minimum reinforcement ratio in masonry walls with single layer of steelƍ = As/(b.d) or

ƍ = As/(b.t)

b = width of wall, t = thickness of wall, d = t/2

In concrete there is no big difference in the two equations but in masonry there is big difference, so which one is the correct one?
ACI 530-05 section 2.33, page C-29 should give you the appropriate guidelines for masonry members in axial compression and flexure.
