Its getting expensive with all the books i already purchased.Since this is your signature...
I'd suggest getting it.
And that's bad becaaauuussseee... :huh:MD 6 min solutions sucks. The problems are exponentially harder than the real thing. The best MD problems I think were in the practice exams.
I disagree, I thought that 6MS was representative, NCEES practice was slightly easier and Lindeburger was a flippin joke.MD 6 min solutions sucks. The problems are exponentially harder than the real thing. The best MD problems I think were in the practice exams.
3.488e-4 m/72 hr = 4.844e-6 m/hr....unless I'm calculating wrong.I agree with the solution
A = 5e-4 m^2
rho = 8602 kg/m^3
M = .0015 kg
V = M/rho = 1.744e-7 m^3
depth = V/A = 3.488e-4 m
depth/time = 3.488e-4 m/72h = 4.8438 m/hr = 42460 e-6 m/yr