Lost in Space was plagarized!

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Mom got me all three seasons of LIS for Christmas last year, and we've slowly been working our way through them.

Last night we watched an episode from season 3 called The Wreck of the Robot, and immediately noted two quotes:

1) Resistance is futile!

2) The Force is too strong!

Yes, TNG and SW fans, LIS is the original!

Stop trying to convince the rest of the world that your precious LIS is the original. You will see our way. Resistance if futile.


SW figured this was the perfect crime because they figured no one would ever buy three full seasons of LIS on DVD and then watch them with at that level of interest.

SW figured this was the perfect crime because they figured no one would ever buy three full seasons of LIS on DVD and then watch them with at that level of interest.
Shhhhhh...they're listening.

