Kids of EB

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Took minisnick to the blackhawks/blues game in STL last night. He was super interested in the goalies. I tried posting a pic but I was having problems last wouldn't let me. I tried links, copy and paste and it would show up as i was typing but as soon as it posted it disappeared

ok, so last night when we got home minisnick started limping and complaining about his right leg. We went outside and played just fine, then at bedtime he woke up crying about a sore knee. If he is otherwise occupied it apparently doesn't bug him...but he did take a tumble other day in the kitchen but was fine within a few seconds and witha few kisses on the ****oos. So I'm not sure if it is just growing pains or something to worry about.

Mini-ble will complain from time to time that his legs hurt and my parents say that I used to do the same thing when I was a kid. They say it's growing pains, but who knows? With it being his knee it might be something more though. Is it swollen at all?

Mini-ble will complain from time to time that his legs hurt and my parents say that I used to do the same thing when I was a kid. They say it's growing pains, but who knows? With it being his knee it might be something more though. Is it swollen at all?
not that i could tell...which really makes me think it is just growing pains. But if he is still like that today I might make an appt tomorrow for him just to make sure it isn't something else. I have bad knees, no need to mess his up at an early age.

Went with Mrs. Chuck to newest mini-Chuck's 4 month checkup today. Mrs. Chuck was concerned that newest mini-Chuck was going to need one of those baby helmets so she wanted me to come with her. He had some torticollis (tightness in the neck muscles) since he was born. He was a big baby (9lb 11oz) and so apparently he had to turn his head to one side in utero to make himself comfortable. 2 months ago Mrs. Chuck noticed that he was getting a bad flat spot on the right side of his head because he was always turning his head to the right while sleeping, in the car seat, in the swing, etc.. We started doing some neck exercises with him (recommended by the pediatrician) and fast forward two months, the pediatrician says no helmet required (saves mucho $$$). Newest mini-Chuck weighed in at 17lb 9oz which puts him in the 95 percentile for weight and he's 26 inches long which puts him in the 95 percentile for height as well. The kid is huge.

Also, I'm an assistant coach for oldest mini-Chuck's baseball team this year. All the kids (11 of them) are 5 to 7 and it's coach's pitch. Oldest mini-Chuck needs some help while in the outfield so I committed to doing this so I could help him get better this year. I'm probably doing more harm than good but I enjoy doing it and it beats the hell out of sitting in the bleachers. He is hitting the ball really well this year.

Damn, sounds like Mini-chuck is a lead brick. Good news is that big babies tend to turn into skinny adults.

Good to hear he's healthy!!

Big babies also sleep well. He started sleeping through the night at 9 weeks old. Both of my other kids started sleeping through the night at 10 weeks old, and they were both above average size, although not as big as this one.

So, you get to enter the fun and exciting world of youth sports. Enjoy it but don't take it too seriously, too early.

Glad to hear all the mini-chuck's are doing well.

wow thats a big baby. I need to thank minisnick again for waiting until he could walk to pack on the pounds.

So, you get to enter the fun and exciting world of youth sports. Enjoy it but don't take it too seriously, too early.

Glad to hear all the mini-chuck's are doing well.
I definitely don't take the youth sports seriously. The only thing I'm serious about is that they are good sports and listen to the coaches. I had some bad experiences growing up with overzealous parents who thought their kids were going to be the next Bo Jackson, so I'm probably overly cautious about being an intense coach.

Haven't posted a pic of Min-OSU in awhile...

she's 19 months now... talking like crazy, repeating almost everything she hears... She's doing pretty well with her alphabet and numbers (gets a little confused with M and W and N and Z... and then 6 and 9)



That's a giant Chuck-roast! Our kid was a giant as well...and he's still pushing the 95th percentile on everything.
We have one of those as well...current predictions are 6' 4"

The grocery bill sucks.

Question for the group: At what age should I start to get worried about my son not getting chicken pox? He's almost 7 and finishing up 1st grade now, and I haven't heard of a single case of chicken pox in either his current school or previous daycare (when he was younger). I also have not seen/heard anything happening at my daughter's daycare center (she's 5).

^^^A friend of my son's who is 16 just had them...The vaccine is not always a guarantee against them either, as mini-envirotex had them when he was about 2 or 3 after already getting the vaccine.

I remember the days when there was no chicken pox vaccine.

We were simply told to go and play with the kid who actually had chicken pox at the time.....
