It's Friday!!!!

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I'm glad I can't see that picture from work, but I assure you, I've never raced in women's clothing.

No alkyhol for me. Done fairly well since the whole P90X thing started. I've had about 6 beers in 9 weeks so far. At the same time, I've lost 15 pounds. Haven't weighed this little in 9 years!


No alkyhol for me. Done fairly well since the whole P90X thing started. I've had about 6 beers in 9 weeks so far. At the same time, I've lost 15 pounds. Haven't weighed this little in 9 years!

I think I'm just going to pay to have the fat sucked out of me.

Not human centipede style, though.

All I know of human centipede are the vague references I've read on this board; fat sucking, people stitched together, even VT is appalled by it - I'm so confused. Is it comedy, horror, pron?! I have no idea

All I know of human centipede are the vague references I've read on this board; fat sucking, people stitched together, even VT is appalled by it - I'm so confused. Is it comedy, horror, pron?! I have no idea

Its a horror movie with some slasher elements in it. Theres a little ****age in there for the guys, but mostly its a gross out horror flick. Think SAW or Hostel (two of my favorites).

The movie is actually done pretty well. It doesnt really go for gratuitous gross out mouth-to-ass shots too much. It really grosses you out by making you use your imagination.

You never go ass to mouth!
are you sure?


All I know of human centipede are the vague references I've read on this board; fat sucking, people stitched together, even VT is appalled by it - I'm so confused. Is it comedy, horror, pron?! I have no idea
same here.
When did we decide the litmus test around here was me finding something appalling? I'm a good kid!

WoooHooo!! It's Friday for me!! We're leaving out early tomorrow morning to drive up to the area I grew up in to visit with some family. Then on Saturday I get to see the Vols get hammered by Bama. Should be a fun weekend. That reminds me, I gotta pick up some beer. :40oz:

My Friday too. Leaving early tomorrow to head to TPRoB (The People's Rebublic of Boulder) for homecoming. I give us a 40% chance of beating Texas Tech. Also, I was still at a 5% pay that restored today, with the boss shocked at what my salary still was (I did not point out that it was he who could raise it any time he wanted). If we have a good year (so far, so good), I may see a raise in my future (first in three years). A little more breathing room for now, hopefully more later. I'm not getting my hopes up.

FINALLY it starts. Left work only to work from home. Had to get an exchanger's head torque spec from the OEM and the dude emailed it to me on his way out the door at 5 PM. I tried to give him a call the instant I got it, but the secretary said that he already bailed. Good thing I didn't have to ask him a question.
