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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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Looks like were about to see if the Billions of Tax payer money spent on rebuilding sea walls and such are about to hold up..

Hope its not a CF like the Katrina and hope they get everybody out of dodge!

If it's like every other C1 hurricane I've lived through, I'll see some leaves fall into the yard. Seriously, folks, sh*t don't get serious until a cat 3 storm.

so in general people arent hitting the road? I thought they said the warm waters of the Gulf would bump it up to a C2?

Even if it does...

Q: What's the difference between a high Cat 1 storm and a low Cat 2 storm?

A: Media attention.

Yeah, growing up in a hurricane prone area most people probably won't think twice about this one. It's forecast to make landfall as a strong category 1 or weak cat 2. Like MS said, shit don't get serious until they start hinting at it being a cat 3.

If I'm not mistaken I believe pre-Katrina, the sea walls in new orleans were only designed for a category 3 storm. Katrina turned into such a CF because it was a cat 5 when it make landfall.

Let's see if this works to automatically update as NOAA updates the forecast:


Actually, Katrina hit at a Cat. 3. The only reason it was so bad for N.O. was because Nagin is a douche nozzle, the city didn't take responsibility for its citizens and blamed the fed for not getting involved, and Nagin is a complete ass hat. Oh, Katrina also hit in the perfect spot. 10 miles east or west and it wouldn't have been all that bad.

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I'm just glad it's going over that way instead of the original track which may have dampened my camping plans for northern GA this weekend.

I got a chuckle out of the news this morning where they kept referring to it as a "disorganized" storm. Maybe it has ADD or is just dyslexic.

Anyway, they were talking about 10-20 in. of rain. Absent any wind at all, that's a lot of water to deal with.

Let's see if this works to automatically update as NOAA updates the forecast:


Actually, Katrina hit at a Cat. 3. The only reason it was so bad for N.O. was because Nagin is a douche nozzle, the city didn't take responsibility for its citizens and blamed the fed for not getting involved, and Nagin is a complete ass hat. Oh, Katrina also hit in the perfect spot. 10 miles east or west and it wouldn't have been all that bad.
Don't forget Landrew (or however you spell it) refusing to take FEMA funds unless she had personal control of them. That delayed FEMA a few days.

I was alluding to that. Katrina brought to light the fact that Bush had a hurricane generating machine.

I had to make a quick trip to New Orleans the day before Katrina. I'm a Missouri native so I don't know much about hurricanes but while driving the radio was screaming "get out, get out, get out....." The residents were walking around like it was no big deal, and outbound traffic was not extremely heavy. It has really skewed my view of "Hurricane Victims".

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What's funny - not "ha-ha" funny, but "you stupid morons" funny - is that in Bush's book, he mentions one of his big regrets is that he didn't just freaking take over when he had Blanco, Landrieu, and Nagin all sitting at the same table and it took him about three minutes to realize they were complete incompetent CF's, Louisiana's Three Stooges. He mentions actually telling one of them (Landrieu I think) to STFU because she was babbling (though certainly he told her in a much more politically correct, presidential way). But he was legitimately concerned they would scream bloody murder if he did federalize the effort. He made the offer; they refused; the rest is history.

You didn't see Republican governed states Mississippi or Alabama having the same problems after the fact now did you, and now....

wait....what....??? No, Admins, you can't force me to take it to the Politics room! I will say what I want, when I want, and where I wa.......




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