Outlier-- There are jobs out there. I would NOT be picky-- at this point. You need a job. So what if it is AUTOCAD? This is NOT your retirement job-- you need a job. You might start in AUTOCAD, stay there 6 months and then do something else. I would apply for EVERYTHING that you are remotely qualified for-- if you think that you can do it, go for it. I would temper my salary expectations as well. I had a kid tell me the other day that "everyone of his buddies" was getting between $68 and $75K, so that is what he was worth. I asked him how many offers he had-- well, none. The one offer he had was for $40K, and he then opined that he wished that he had taken it.
He did have an IE technology degree from a third tier school, had not taken the FE exam, but was arrogant enough to expect $75K. I told him "Good Luck" --- knowing full well that I would have helped him further if had any interest. Sadly, he knew more than I did, so go for it.
The oil patch is seeking engineers tonite-- yeah, it may be Oklahoma City (which is a great place), Houston or North Dakota. However, if you need a job, those are all great places.
There is no "ideal" job--none. Think of this like a 3 legged stool, with the legs being, job, salary and location. There is always one short leg--i.e., if the job and salary are good, the location sux, if the location and salary are good, the job sux.
At this point, I would get off my ass and make something happen--- There are lots of books on resume development-- the web is full of ideas-- go search for them, they are here.
The oil companies are seeking engineers in North Dakota. Yeah, it is North Dakota. That is where the jobs and work are. Is North Dakota paradise-- well, depends who you ask. Get out and explore, you might be amazed at what you find. You might like North Dakota better than you ever expected-- however, until you go and do it, you won't know. Yeah, it gets cold, -30F-- BFD-- dress for it and you will do well.
Go for it-- make something happen.