Inapropriate Halloween Costumes

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Speaking of 9/11, for Halloween 2001, a friend and I set a special trail run, costumed in hazmat suits and respirators, throwing flour from red marked "biohazard" bags. We hadn't even left the parking lot before a cop pulled up, hit the siren, and asked us what we were doing with the white powder...

We got out of our costumes real quick.

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No offense taken. I am proud of that one. There are pictures somewhere...

^^^ LOL. All I can think of is George Castanza streaking in the flesh-colored body suit on Seinfeld.

I'm considering showing a movie on my garage door...current consensus is leaning towards Young Dr. Frankenstein...I can't remember if there's anything in there that would offend those who show up after 7:30ish...

so in boulder you can basically every day dress up as a stoned loser that cant get a job but you cant dress up and play cowboys and indians?


So she thought that a Boston Marathon Bombing Victim was the best idea for a costume?

Gotta give her credit for having brass balls.


She received death threats and her parents did as well.

1. She was dumb to dress like this.

2. She was dumb to post her DRIVERS LICENSE online.

3. Telling someone you're going to kill them because they disrespected the dead is also kinda dumb.

...and she lost her job. People go for the shock factor and costumes are often tied to the headline news. Definitely in poor taste but the i truly believe the girl did not intend to disrespect anyone.

They pulled a big Chevy ad during the world series that was based on their slogan "Silverado Strong" becasue Boston people now claim the phrase "________ Strong" as their own and remembrance of the Marathon bombing.

People need to stop being "outraged and offended" by everything little thing. Be outraged as the a$$hats that do this stuff (shooters/bombers/etc.) For people that do stupid stuff, just let them know it was stupid and move on. Stop with the violence and death threats.

Ha ha Ha it's funny when the attention whore me me generation conflict with its own you can't offend me generation!

-1. America

I don't have a problem with somebody being outraged or offended. What bothers me is the concept that since I'm offended, I'm also somehow a victim that must be compensated for my emotional angst.
