ILLINOIS - Results

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Illinois State Board asked me to retake the PE exam because of both my foreign education and lack of experience at the time when I first passed the PE exam out of state.
Illinois is a state that if your Bachelor degree is from a foreign school, then you must make up the education deficiency to be ABET equivalent (no matter if you have advanced degrees in U.S. or not) and additionally you need 8 years experience before you can take the PE exam. Otherwise they won't recognize your passing PE exam from out of state. That's why I ended up retaking the PE exam and making me one of the few passing the PE exam twice in order to get registered in Illinois. Anyway, I am so glad that finally it is over.

Good luck to all and especially those with foreign education.
That really STINKS.....dang, if I could get past this thing once, I'm done!!!! Kudo's to anyone that has to do it twice!!!! :drunk:

I just received my pass letter from Continental Testing Services today. Too bad the actual PE license came in the mail on Friday. Hey, at least the testing agency is on the ball! :rolleyes:

Fudgey results

Approx % Approx # probs Approx # correct Weighted avg.

ENV 50.0% 20.00% 8.00 4.00 10.00%

GEO 50.0% 20.00% 8.00 4.00 10.00%

STR 50.0% 20.00% 8.00 4.00 10.00%

TRAN 50.0% 20.00% 8.00 4.00 10.00%

WR 38.0% 20.00% 8.00 3.04 7.60%

Morning total correct 19.04 47.60%

Approx %

HYDRAULICS 31% 21.66% 8.67 2.69 6.72%

HYDROLOGY 57% 21.66% 8.67 4.94 12.35%

WT 33% 21.66% 8.67 2.86 7.15%

Total WR 65.00% 26.00 10.49 26.21%

ENV 50% 25.00% 10.00 5.00 12.50%

GEO 50% 10.00% 4.00 2.00 5.00%

Afternoon total correct 17.49 43.71%

Overall summary correct 36.53 45.66%

Maybe you should try transpo for the depth.

Really trying to help here.

Fudgey, you are sincerely loved by you can see.


Stick with it and :study .

Nuf said!
