I know we have to have a trial and all but

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At least in the old days half the "picture show" would have been armed and he would have been shot dead pretty quick like..

In the old days, the cops would have bought the first round after the shoot-out

At least in the old days half the "picture show" would have been armed and he would have been shot dead pretty quick like..
This is the sad part. We live in a world where such is frowned upon. This shit never would have flown had this happened in Texas. They wod have needed one body bag.

why can't these ass clowns just plead guilty and save us the drama.

It doesn't matter if they plead guilty. The marathon bomber admitted to his role in the bombing. The entire trial was just put on to decide between life in prison and the death penalty. Since the jury chose the latter, there are now automatic appeals that have to be filed...even if the accused doesn't care. It costs more to execute somebody than it does to give them 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.

A bullet and a hole is all we should need.

It doesn't matter if they plead guilty. The marathon bomber admitted to his role in the bombing. The entire trial was just put on to decide between life in prison and the death penalty. Since the jury chose the latter, there are now automatic appeals that have to be filed...even if the accused doesn't care. It costs more to execute somebody than it does to give them 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.
I thought he pleaded not guilty, but admitted to the crime during the opening of the trial. If he pleaded guilty wouldn't that have saved us the trial and it would have gone straight to a sentencing hearing?

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He plead not guilty by reason of insanity but he has admitted he did it...

He also probably had one of those "coexist" stickers on the back of his car..

