OK. What's a deduct water meter? :dunno: 
Do you have a ridge vent installed? - That's the simplest way to vent the attic as long as you have soffitt vents. A ripsaw (circular saw) and a handful of roofing nails and you're done (outside) without getting into the attic. When I installed one on a relative's roof - it felt like one of those hot air curtains at walmart the hot air was just streaming out of there...we normally do bump the upstairs up to around 82 when we leave. On the weekends when we are home and leave it on 80/79 it runs nonstop during the day, I will give it a shot though and see if theres a difference
most of my insulation is "good" (I think) I bought a new fan to put above the daughters room, but havent put it up yet, was going to do it early one saturday before it gets 140^ in the attic.
I really think my unit is underpowered. Upstaris we have 4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms, The "kids" bathroom is sort of like a hotel bathroom where the "tub & *******" are in a seperate room and then there is a sink area, they only put a vent in the "******* room" and the other room is hot as hell.
The closets are fairly big and there is no vent in the kids closets either, and since kids play in the closet, they leave the doors open, and it contributes to the overall "warmth" of the upstairs.
I need to suck it up and probably have a reputable HVAC firm check it out and see about getting a new unit for the upstaris, my power bills are approaching $400/month![]()