How to explain study schedule to child

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Congrats royal flush !!! That is completely awesome !! :)

A curious question - how did you come by your screen name?


Oh yeh, and now I'm expecting #3... yep, got my passing PE results last january, and I have a baby due in October!
hmmm... timing on #3 is interesting :) Congrats on getting the PE and the baby.

Things are going better now that we have a bit of a routine going and she's realizing that the tantrums were not helping. It helped that my husband is enforcing the rule that she does not get bedtime stories if she has a tantrum.

And, we had a great time on Saturday. She decided that she wanted to go swimming and then we did our nails and "played dress-up". She says she already has plans for this weekend's "girl time", but she won't tell anyone what she has planned.. should be interesting :)

Congrats royal flush !!! That is completely awesome !! :)
A curious question - how did you come by your screen name?

I work at a sewer plant, and its the name of our basketball team ... and it doesn't sound as yucky as "sewer rat", which is what we call the softball team :)

Things are going better now that we have a bit of a routine going and she's realizing that the tantrums were not helping. It helped that my husband is enforcing the rule that she does not get bedtime stories if she has a tantrum.
Glad things are going well, TX. Study hard and have fun.
