how many of you are union

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Nov 3, 2006
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unpadded cell
just curious if other public service employees are unionized?  

IL state employees are mostly union, there are some that are not.  

Our "service" departments (mechanics, maintenance staff, bus/train drivers) are union. The rest of us are salary.

Any pay adjustments we get are dependent on the Union contracts. Basically, if the Union negotiates a pay raise, everyone gets one, and if management tells the Union there isn't the $ for it, no one gets one.

I am salary but we are represented by a management group.  We formed it a few years ago.  It is not called a "union" but it functions in basically the same way.  Our dues are like $8 (I forget if that is per check or per month).  We negotiate separately than the hourly union but it seems whatever they negotiate for and get, we get; and vice-versa. 

Salaried, not union because the state does not allow my department to have unions. 
