HOA Rant

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I have made it known that if my neighbor does not keep his cat out of my yard that I will find a way to "get rid of it".
two words: anti freeze

wont help us, not unless they buy the whole neighborhood, which doesnt happen often.

next to us they are building some new homes from the "low 800's" the developer for that property is going to buy the other land they wanted for the mega car wash and add 2 or 3 more homes, the new neighborhood will :17: most all of our homes up an easy 100,000.

When you buy a house with a HOA they are required to tell you at closing, and you have to sign off on the Covenants, so for the most part they shouldnt be a suprise. BUt keep in mind selective enforcement, they have to bug everyone or no-one.

I thought you were going to say cat-apult. :17:
Love it !!!!



Whats starting to worry me is the dogs in our neighbor hood. When we moved in we had one dog and got another one about a month later. A couple months later we put up a fence. There was no HOA at the time so we picked out a nice aluminum fence. We let our dogs out but if they start barking at stuff I usually let them in or go see what they're barking at to shut them up. Im very conscious of the noise my dogs make. Now all our neighbors have dogs and are starting to put up fences. Most of them leave their dogs outside day and night and they bark up a storm.

I love dogs but damnit the noise is a bit too much sometimes.

^^^ You started it.
I know, Im kicking myself. One of our neighbors kids loved our dogs so much she begged her parents for a dog for Christmas. And sure enough she got one. She still plays with our dogs more then her own. Their dog stays tied up in their yard and barks all day. Im going to go over one night and cut it loose and take it out in the woods somewhere.
