Has anyone's FE exam ever been cancelled?

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complain all you want it's a free country. I doubt it will change a thing.
I'm not complaining. I already have a PE license. I'm showing some empathy for people who are in a situation that I can guarantee you 99% of the people on this forum would be blowing their stack over. Especially with all the complaining about just waiting for results.

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Even the next day exam would have been fine with me, but it appears from the article that they have certain security requirements to obtain a new facility. I doubt they would do it in the same building even if they fixed the sewage that day. I'm really hoping the contingency plan is not October. Oh well, like you all said, eat the sandwich.

MENG6 - have you got an update? What did they decide to do?

I just noticed I didn't have a fast reply button on this forum, sorry about that, I added it.

THIS sucks to hear that Fudgey somehow visited that site and sewerbombed em. I'm interested to see how it turns out. I would suspect its waiting until October as well.

and for the love of Pete, don't sue...I'm imagining that I'll have to take the PE again and if anyone sues they'll just make me pay more!

Well I got the letter in the mail and they rescheduled to May 17. They said if anyone cannot take it on that date they just don't show up and they will receive a refund and will be marked absent, not fail. I guess I will be reviewing again and will just take it again then. Think its a new exam??? I would hope so.

Well I got the letter in the mail and they rescheduled to May 17. They said if anyone cannot take it on that date they just don't show up and they will receive a refund and will be marked absent, not fail. I guess I will be reviewing again and will just take it again then. Think its a new exam??? I would hope so.
THat's not too bad. Let's just hope that if they administer the same exam and end up with a high pass rate they don't invalidate everyone's result because they suspect subterfuge.

This is the first time I've read this thread. What a remarkable story. I'm glad to hear they rechseduled for a more reasonable date. I'm also glad to see benbo and IlPadrino and MA_PE were able to kiss and make up.

I sure would be pissed if that were me.

So we had our rescheduled exam today!! No electrical or sewage problems! It went great, thanks everyone!
