harvesting methyl-hydrates

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
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Space Contamination Detox Orbit
Does anyone know how to harvest methyl-hydrates in the world's oceans? I want to launch a company to start harvesting before the rush.

:party-smiley-048: :party-smiley-048: :party-smiley-048: :party-smiley-048:

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Clearly, global warming is going to melt the ice containing this natural gas, and the world is doomed to explode.

How much capital do you have? I have read a bit about this and I suspect that it is not a money-maker unless you make the competing fuel sources (e.g. coal) more costly based on increased regulation.

Just my thought ...


There was a program on TV about this, you go down deeper than anyone one else would think of and start chipping away at the ice. I dont understand how we can consider this when we flare billions of cf of gas from well every year. I would look for a green energy grant this is like clean coal a never ending quest for federal funds.
