Happy Leap Day

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I don't know any leap babies, but of course you always hear about them on this time of the leap year cycle.

I asked my co-worker if he was going to do anything special on leap day and he simply said, "I'll be working." I know it's an honest answer but I can't stop laughing.

the Subway restaurants in the area are giving away a free cookie with every order today only.

I don't know any leap babies, but of course you always hear about them on this time of the leap year cycle.

I asked my co-worker if he was going to do anything special on leap day and he simply said, "I'll be working." I know it's an honest answer but I can't stop laughing.
technically speaking with the leap day thats an extra days work for the same salary so during leap years we make less $

I wonder why seconds just don't get increased by [6.8493 x 10^-4]?

The added day of 24hr adds 86,400 sec to a 4 yr cycle. This is 21,600 sec/yr --or-->

21,600sec (1yr/365d)(1d / 24hr)(1hr / 60min)(1min / 60 sec) = an increase of [6.8493...x 10^-4 units]

It's making "Tick......Tock" into "Tick.......Tock" no one would notice.

Science be damned!


technically speaking with the leap day thats an extra days work for the same salary so during leap years we make less $
<---sad eyes, just ruined my morning

^^^ Only problem with lengthening the second would be the fact that after 2 years you would be "halfway" to making up that extra day. Consequently, noon would end up being midnight...

the Subway restaurants in the area are giving away a free cookie with every order today only.
Our Subways have all "regular" footlongs for $5.00 until the end of February. It started at the end of last week.

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As I said in my Facebook status, "It's the quadrennial extra day. Just my luck I have to work!"
