Happy Father's Day

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Happy father's day, EB dads. Hope it was a good one!!

Thanks, but I have to say it was kind of a lousy father's day at the Dleg household. My wife left early in the morning for a work trip, which came as a surprise to both of us because we thought she was leaving in the evening, but our ^%@#&% office made the reservations for the morning flight. Who the %!@#^ would do that, on Father's day? Our admin person who made the reservations just said "oops, I didn't look at the calendar. Sorry." :eek:ldman:

I spent the day attempting to do fun stuff with the kids, but damn..... it's exhausting to do anything alone with them, and they were, needless to say, totally unappreciative of what day it was. "Dad, are you done yet?" - was my 13 yo daughter's comment all day, as I was drinking my coffee at breakfast, eating lunch, etc. "No it's not Daddy's day! It's Jimmy's day!" - my 6 yo son's statement all day. Not to mention the 7:30 p.m. "Dad! I forgot to tell you! Here's a list of things you need to buy me for my camping trip tomorrow!" surprise from my daughter.

It sucks when you actually feel relieved to be at work.... but that's how my father's day went. :eek:ldman:

This is the first Father's Day in 25 years that I didn't have to cook a big dinner and feed a lot of people, then clean everything up. Had dinner at our daughter's home. It was a good day.

Happy Fathers day to all... I called my Dad today and got to hear about how he forgot the cantalope at the grocery store after he paid for it... when he went back it was at "customer service" that grocery store has 2 check out lines and everyone knows everyone by first name, so he was all excited because on the skin... it said "EG's Dad" on it... then he asked when the last time I had changed my brake pads was, and was he still allowed to be adopted by us when he got old... I love my Dad!

pretty mellow dad's day. hot and humid so we didn't do too much.

happy father's day to all the eb dads and dads of ebers.

It was kind of neat. MIAF junior pretty much thinks of me as the "D" word now, so she was all excited about it during the days prior. She comes barreling in my room at about 6:30 with a bag of cookies and a card with her footprints on it screaming "Happy Fodders Day!" I got a good laugh out of it. Took her to see Toy Story 3 and finished off the evening with some Taco Hell and the Tudors finale.

Unfortunately, Saturday was a scary day. MIAF got out of bed a bit disoriented, but I figured she was just tired/groggy. She dropped some things in the kitchen, stumbled back into our room, and mumbled out that her face and arm felt numb, and she could barely stand. She started talking total jibberish and couldn't string her words together, so I called 911. Initially, they thought she had a stroke. She came to it a bit by the time EMS got there, she could squeeze both hands, her mouth was even, and it took her a few tries, but she could string words together and remembered her social security number.

They took her in the ambulance, and by the time I gathered some things for her, got junior together, and made it to the hospital, she was doing ok in her room. They did blood work and a cat scan and everything came back fine, so their initial thought was the Lexapro she had just started about a week ago reacted with her birth control and her recent increase in caffeine. She's going to see her regular doctor this week for a follow up appointment and hopefully to see a neurologist. Scary stuff.

It was kind of neat. MIAF junior pretty much thinks of me as the "D" word now, so she was all excited about it during the days prior. She comes barreling in my room at about 6:30 with a bag of cookies and a card with her footprints on it screaming "Happy Fodders Day!" I got a good laugh out of it. Took her to see Toy Story 3 and finished off the evening with some Taco Hell and the Tudors finale.
Unfortunately, Saturday was a scary day. MIAF got out of bed a bit disoriented, but I figured she was just tired/groggy. She dropped some things in the kitchen, stumbled back into our room, and mumbled out that her face and arm felt numb, and she could barely stand. She started talking total jibberish and couldn't string her words together, so I called 911. Initially, they thought she had a stroke. She came to it a bit by the time EMS got there, she could squeeze both hands, her mouth was even, and it took her a few tries, but she could string words together and remembered her social security number.

They took her in the ambulance, and by the time I gathered some things for her, got junior together, and made it to the hospital, she was doing ok in her room. They did blood work and a cat scan and everything came back fine, so their initial thought was the Lexapro she had just started about a week ago reacted with her birth control and her recent increase in caffeine. She's going to see her regular doctor this week for a follow up appointment and hopefully to see a neurologist. Scary stuff.
Yikes. That had to be super scary, hopefully "junior" was OK through it all, had to be tough on all of you.

For Father's Day, my 2 oldest cleaned their room and my youngest acted like a 2 year old. He'll be 2 in a couple weeks, so that's to be expected. Nothing earth shattering, but we had a great time spending time together.

And my family and my inlaws went in together and got me a Blue Ray Player to go with the TV I just mounted over the fireplace - along with the Avatar blue ray.

All I have to say is I can watch Avatar on a 46" TV from 2" away and it's crystal clear.


We had a pretty good day yesterday. We went to Columbia because the kiddos are spending the week with my parents there. So I got to hang out with my dad as well. My little brother made an awesome brisket and my mom cooked all sorts of other goodies. Mrs. Chuck got me some new shorts, some new fishing shirts, and some new cup holders for the boat. The house was soooo quiet this morning. It's kind of lonely without the kids running around. I'm working today and tomorrow but I think I'm taking Wednesday off so Mrs. Chuck and I can go to the beach or something.

Yikes. That had to be super scary, hopefully "junior" was OK through it all, had to be tough on all of you.

The water works started as soon as she saw mommy in the hospital bed, but once she saw that everything was OK, she just laid in bed beside her. They started again when they wheeled her away for the cat scan, but a coloring book made her stop the second time.


I know you've probably heard this before, but what you're doing is changing Junior's life. She went from an asshole as a biological father to you as a Dad. (I don't know the ins and outs of your relationship but it sure sounds like you're good to her) Girls with assholes for fathers tend to have really poor self esteem and typically end up with assholes as boyfriends/husbands.

Anyway, it's a damn shame all kids in her situation aren't as lucky.

BTW, we took the kids to see Toy Story 3 on Saturday as well. It was really good.

What's FMS on the Lexapro for? Hope everything is okay.

Thanks for the good words, Chuck.

MIAF was on the Lexapro for a combination of things anxiety related. She was having mood swings out of frustration, but a lot of it was OCD related. She constantly has to go back and check stoves, light switches, door locks, etc, to the point where she can sometimes get out of the car twice to double check, to the point where it was making her late for work, etc.
