Got My Notice...I Am Heading Out

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
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Cincinnati...just Cincinnati!
Well, I got my tasker assigning me to Afghanistan Engineering District North for 6 months. I will be heading out in about 1 1/2 months as opposed to the "end of the summer" they had told me when I signed on. Kind of sucks that I'll miss summer with the kids, but this way I should be home in time for Christmas.

To make things even more exciting, we just got an offer on our house and will be closing 2 days before I'm scheduled to leave for Winchester, VA where I get to spend a week doing training and then I get to sit on a plane for a very long time. To top it all off, just because we are such gluttons for punishment, we found a house that we like so we might try to close on the same day as our house...close on our house at 9am and then close on the new house at 1pm. If we can manage to do that I will get to spend a grand total of 1 1/2 days in our new house, mostly hauling furniture and boxes, before I leave the country for 6 months. That will give the wife plenty of time to work on stripping wallpaper and repainting, of course, I will probably come home to a 'honey-do' list a mile long.

Good luck jeb! Try to be safe.... I hope it all works out for you.

Jeb thank you for your service. Ugghh... summer in Afghanistan.

Congratulations on getting an offer! Sounds like it's going to be a busy 1 1/2 months.

That's a mighty busy agenda. Good luck all the way around and I hope things are great for you and the mrs when the dust cloud settles.

It looks like most of the training we get is procedural stuff with some survival type stuff thrown in here and there. We don't get to pack any heat (it would void my life insurance if I die in combat) so most of our training is "stay with your armed escorts and do what they say". Although if all my escort guys get popped I am allowed to grab a weapon and defend myself and keep my insurance.

On the home front...sounds like the deal on our house is done assuming there are no surprises during the inspection on Wednesday. We made our offer on our new house and got our counter offer. We countered their counter, but to be honest we wouldn't have a problem paying what they came back with the first time so barring anything bizaar we should get the house, it's just a matter of how much we pay for it. We're supposed to hear back from them no later than noon tomorrow so we should have a done deal by 12:03.

Good Luck! I never made it to the 'Stan, but got to tour most of the lovely countries around it. hope to see you back real soon! Don't forget to update us on your activities over there.

Good Luck! I never made it to the 'Stan, but got to tour most of the lovely countries around it. hope to see you back real soon! Don't forget to update us on your activities over there.
Rumor has it they have the exact same network/email over there that they have back here so theoretically I should be able to get access to the board since it isn't a problem here.

On the new home front, they accepted our counter to their counter so we were able to get the house and knock about $4k off the sale price. Sounds like they were starting to get cold feet but our realtor pulled out the big guns...sent them a letter telling them how much we loved the house and how excited our boys are and then finished it up with a bit about trying to get closed soon because I'm going to Afghanistan to serve our country. So, as long as both our inspections go well and both houses appraise okay we've got our new house. Then we get to try and figure out how to get moved between closing on a Friday and me flying out that Sunday. Anyone on here anywhere close to Cincinnati who likes free pizza and beer and can lift heavy stuff?

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I did just get my notice that they've pushed me back two weeks due to all the paperwork which works out well for us because now we'll have two weeks to get moved in to our new house before I go.
