Get naked to pass a college course?

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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she's got nice clavicle.


If this was a requirement for my engineering class, I'd have to switch majors. There are some engineers that should NEVER be seen naked, let alone in swim trunks.

For the record, most of the female engineers at my school (myself included) would look amazing naked. In hindsight, if we were to have a naked class, we would probably just make it a female engineer class only. Naked SWE anyone?

For the record, most of the female engineers at my school (myself included) would look amazing naked. In hindsight, if we were to have a naked class, we would probably just make it a female engineer class only. Naked SWE anyone?
Pics or its not true

Maybe if they are not comfortable with nude, straight up bikini is fine with..all you female engineers..send me your pictures..i will put it together
