funny pic thread

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I got bit on the leg by a spider that left a raised hard disk, looked like 2 nickles stacked, but with fang marks in the center. It took forever to heal.

I stomp those MFs whenever I see them, had an impulse to go ape-shit when I was at the pet store and they were showing the baby tarantulas to a customer...

We have those spiders where I live. About once a year we'll find one inside our house, and when I do, I leave.

The worst, though - and this is a true story - was when I had one crawl onto my leg while driving my of pickup truck. It's a miracle I didn't crash.
another reason I don't buy prebagged bananas

I had one, about the size of half dollar, drop down from the vent onto my shoulder as I was washing my hands in the bathroom. It ran across my neck to the other should and down the arm before i could swat it off of me. most likely a little wolf spider...we had a ton of them in the yard and shed that fall.

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