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Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
My company is currently hiring a variety of different types of engineers across the country.  We employ electrical, mechanical, civil, and structural engineers to inspect and analyze structures, appliances, components and systems for failure modes.  A PE is required since you may be called on to testify in court or depositions as an expert witness, and you must have strong writing skills since written reports are required for many projects.  I have found it to be an endlessly interesting line of work.  It is also more fun to point out what other people did wrong than it is to design things yourself sometimes.  A link to our open positions is below.  Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the job or company, and send me your resume if you'd like me to put in a good word for you.

I have to echo this since it was so recent that I posted it. :p

Depends on the benefits package associated.

I only settle for a minimum of 5 weeks paid vacation at this stage of my career.  A company car would also be nice....preferably an Escalade.

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We technically have unlimited vacation.  You start earning comp time at 36 billable hours per week.  Once you bank 40 hours of comp time, you start getting paid overtime.  You can instead elect to take the comp time as PTO as you earn it.  One guy in my office took about 10 weeks of vacation one year and just worked a schload of hours during the weeks he was in the office.  It is one of the best things about this job.  If you are earning your billable hours and keeping up with client contacts, the company really doesn't care what you are doing (as long as its legal).  The schedule doesn't get any more flexible than that.

Field engineers do get a company vehicle.  Depending on what type of work you are doing, it can range from a pickup truck to an SUV to a minivan.  Don't think we have any Escalades in the fleet.
