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I can see something really important, but some people do it for every single thing...

Several of the guys I work with require a face-to-face confirmation of receipt. These guys get more email than anyone I know, so your email can be very easily lost. More than anything, the email is just a written documentation of what we talked about.

Several of the guys I work with require a face-to-face confirmation of receipt.  These guys get more email than anyone I know, so your email can be very easily lost.  More than anything, the email is just a written documentation of what we talked about.
They are like meeting minutes.

How about when someone accidentally sends a project-specific email to the entire organization, followed by dozens of emails from people who hit Reply All to say "I believe this message was sent to me in error, please remove me from the list"?

How about when someone sends the wrong attachment and asks for it back a few hours later?? (Large multi tab excel spreadsheet with all company info). I think he got fired.

or more annoying people that send yuo an email and then come by to discuss almost every email they send!
damn it. I do that all the time. But I send the e-mail so there is written proof that I informed them. and I go over to talk to them to make sure they do it.

he he he, I do the opposite, I talk first, then send an e-mail... "As per our conversation, we established that you will be responsible for doing X,Y,Z by XX/XX/XXXX."

I am annoyed by the person that must always respond with a thanks or some other non pertinent blurb.
Yes, me too, thanks for that.

^^^ I do this all the time because on the flip side, when I send an email with important information, I never know if anyone paid attention to it...


I used to respond 10-4 to let them know it was received and comprehended, that's how things worked at my last job. Not so much here- so I have now started including a disclaimer at the bottom of some things that said "A lack of response from any party indicates concurrence to the above statements and decisions." If I had to wait for everyone to agree with me, I would never get anything done, but at least now I can say, well you didn't respond to my e-mail and I said right in there that no response meant you agreed.
