feeling empty after PE

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2012
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Months of studying, hours of wasted studying, now I have completed the exam and passed it, I felt empty!

Yes we do know that feeling. In the back of my mind I'm constantly strategizing how/when to take the CA Geotech Engineer exam, even though there's a snowball's chance in Flagstaff I would ever use it.

Yes,....part of me i am glad to have over already but part of me I am looking for the Oct 2014 exam cycle!

I need a hobby!

Do not do as MP said. He would not do it.

Now, you can go as Matt suggested and fill the void with beer, buy a boat (I did buy a kayak) as SW suggested, or both. Options are endless.

I need a hobby!

Go the NJ Mike route and have three kids.
well to be fare, two of the three kids were born prior to the exam so that's not exactly apples to apples.

Do not do as MP said. He would not do it.

Now, you can go as Matt suggested and fill the void with beer, buy a boat (I did buy a kayak) as SW suggested, or both. Options are endless.

DK is write. combine both, but substitute the kayak with a raft or boat even. beer and boating are def a great combo

Fishing Kayak already in the mind. beer + kayak = dead.....

Maybe I sign up for a Civil construction PE test LOL

Hookers & blow is a good option for filling a void.

.... kids are a pretty good choice too. ;)
