feeling empty after PE

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i know right..self-torture myself to sign up for more stuffs..but it's me i think. I constantly need of new challenges or else I get bored...maybe I need some medication!

Hookers and blow might be a good idea but they might left me OD and take my cash..maybe just blow and booze! ...

maybe put more time into your job / career? get on one of those committee's in your professional associations, contacts will go farther than more education / more initials behind your name...

Need something to do? Go to Ikea. It will kill a weekend faster than anything I've experienced...

maybe put more time into your job / career? get on one of those committee's in your professional associations, contacts will go farther than more education / more initials behind your name...
I don't think it because of I want to further my career or anything just withdraw for nothing much to do..lol

or try this, but you'll have to borrow it from Matt

