Feel good about how you did on the exam?

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I got punched in the gut by the breadth, but came back with a left hook to put the WRE depth down for the count.  Hopefully it was enough to average out the morning.  Time to cram for survey!  Anyone else take it today?

I got punched in the gut by the breadth, but came back with a left hook to put the WRE depth down for the count.  Hopefully it was enough to average out the morning.  Time to cram for survey!  Anyone else take it today?
That's exactly how I felt last October.  Luckily I passed. Good luck to you, it's going to be a long 10 - 12 weeks.

I got punched in the gut by the breadth, but came back with a left hook to put the WRE depth down for the count.  Hopefully it was enough to average out the morning.  Time to cram for survey!  Anyone else take it today?
The breadth was more difficult than I thought, and much more difficult than the Ncees practice exams.  Afternoon transportation went well.  No idea at this point, it's a blur now 

The Breadth was harder than the practice exams for sure. Some of the conceptual questions I legit had no idea. Overall it was a reasonable test. Took Transportation Depth. For some reason a couple of my calculations in the afternoon were off even though I felt like I knew what I was doing.

Here's one of my favorite exam recaps from a previous exam cycle:

I'll repost from main forum for the EE's in the house.

EE - Power. "You sunk my battleship."

Preparation Time/Materials: 250 total hours. 5 textbooks, prep coursework notebook, 2 notebooks of graduate class material, calculators, snacks, rolling suitcase.

Money: ~$1,550.

General Observations: Arrived at my site 30 minutes prior to report time. Noticed that many others had literally libraries and libraries of books. Someone had a giant wagon with bungie cords holding all of the books together. Others just had a single piece of paper. Wild. I randomly started thinking of a national geographic special with narration by Morgan Freeman on PE test taking habits. I needed that laugh to clear my head.

AM Session: Felt the AM session was great. Only ended up with 6-7 that I didn't have a single solid answer or couldn't find it in my reference. I finished slightly early and checked only some of my work.

PM Session: Total unadulterated bloodbath. Couldn't seem to concentrate enough to find the equations I needed. Calculator was spitting out answers that were out of this world. Saw stuff that I barely covered in droves. About 2-3 hours into the afternoon, my brain felt like it had been through a dishwasher and I started hopping around from question to question. Not good. I will be lucky if I got a quarter to half right. I might as well have taken another discipline in the afternoon or gone to work. A monkey may have been able to do better.

Final Thoughts: As I left the exam area, I felt numb, dumb, and a little crushed. I felt like I blew the morning session out of the water. Then the PE got off a torpedo as I was heading to collect my stamp, promotion, and better life. I'm not very good at guessing and doing the math in my head all weekend I kept envisioning a percentage score in the upper 60s with an afternoon diagnostic that simply says "monkey". 6 months of neglecting my wife and family might be for nothing in the end except doing it all over again. I know the pass rate for repeaters is low, but what is the divorce rate?

Oh well. If I recall from a coworker, last years results were released in around 45-50 days following the exam. I think he got his in late May. We shall see. I guess the ultimate decision is now do I crack open another book....or another beer?

For some reason a couple of my calculations in the afternoon were off even though I felt like I knew what I was doing.
You should contact NCEES on those. Who knows, they might have been bad questions. I had one in the AM that I knew was missing information. I'll never know for sure though.

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I heard a rumor that if you contact NCEES and make them review a question they will purposely fail you for the trouble you caused.  @matt267 PE was an exception because they didn't want to deal with his dumb a$$ again.

You should contact NCEES on those. Who knows, they might have been bad questions. I had one in the AM that I knew was missing information. I'll never know for sure though.
Hopefully they figure it out if everyone gets it wrong.

In all seriousness, when I took the exam I reported a question also.  If you feel a question did not provide sufficient information, answers were all incorrect etc. you should definitely report it.  Not only does it potentially benefit you, and your fellow test takers, but it also improves the quality of the overall exam.

There was an error on one of the geo depth problems. The wording of the problem described 1 situation, and the diagram they provided showed the exact opposite. Coincidentally, the answer would come out the same working it both ways.

Civil breadth was definitely more difficult than the practice exam, but not tragically so.  I'd say about 80% I was confident on and good-ish on another 10%, but there were a few I had no idea where to start (mostly water problems).  Used the full 4 hours looking up stuff that I was not sure on.

The construction depth was a fair bit easier than the practice exam, I had answers to everything within three hours and spent the remaining time re-checking everything.  The "low hanging fruit", OSHA, scheduling and production rates questions were remarkably easy, and the economics and geometrics stuff were more straightforward than any of the practice problems I did.

After beating my head into the desk with the EET practice tests and getting around 60%, it was refreshing to both finish everything and feel good about most of the answers.

The morning breadth for Mechanical was not too bad. I felt the problems were fair and I figure I scored between 70-80%. I had lunch feeling pretty good about the day!

The afternoon session for Thermal/Fluids was not so good. I felt comfortable with 15 problems, midway on 10 or so, and the rest I didn't feel good about.  I took a class, studied for 200-300 hours, had multiple sources for example problems indexed and tabulated, the MERM, and a quick conversion guide. For some reason the questions were not striking the right chords with me and it felt like I was learning some of the material for the first time or just completely lost. It stinks the exam is not curved because most of what I've heard or read is people feeling the same way. I will be surprised if I see a 70% pass rate this time around. EE - Power exam "you sunk my battleship" is somewhat spot on for my PM.

Anyone else struggle with the PM T/F? Anyone feel like they crushed it?

The morning breadth for Mechanical was not too bad. I felt the problems were fair and I figure I scored between 70-80%. I had lunch feeling pretty good about the day!

The afternoon session for Thermal/Fluids was not so good. I felt comfortable with 15 problems, midway on 10 or so, and the rest I didn't feel good about.  I took a class, studied for 200-300 hours, had multiple sources for example problems indexed and tabulated, the MERM, and a quick conversion guide. For some reason the questions were not striking the right chords with me and it felt like I was learning some of the material for the first time or just completely lost. It stinks the exam is not curved because most of what I've heard or read is people feeling the same way. I will be surprised if I see a 70% pass rate this time around. EE - Power exam "you sunk my battleship" is somewhat spot on for my PM.

Anyone else struggle with the PM T/F? Anyone feel like they crushed it?
When I took the T/F, I thought the PM was a lot more challenging.   I always advise going back and reviewing the PM material with a week or two to go - it made all the difference for me. 

The morning breadth for Mechanical was not too bad. I felt the problems were fair and I figure I scored between 70-80%. I had lunch feeling pretty good about the day!

The afternoon session for Thermal/Fluids was not so good. I felt comfortable with 15 problems, midway on 10 or so, and the rest I didn't feel good about.  I took a class, studied for 200-300 hours, had multiple sources for example problems indexed and tabulated, the MERM, and a quick conversion guide. For some reason the questions were not striking the right chords with me and it felt like I was learning some of the material for the first time or just completely lost. It stinks the exam is not curved because most of what I've heard or read is people feeling the same way. I will be surprised if I see a 70% pass rate this time around. EE - Power exam "you sunk my battleship" is somewhat spot on for my PM.

Anyone else struggle with the PM T/F? Anyone feel like they crushed it?
Same. Morning was ok. Afternoon crushed me.

I don't know what to think.  Took environmental (1st time) and my time management in the morning was bad.  At 15 minutes left, I still had several I hadn't gotten to and several I skipped!  Afternoon was much better and I finished except for a few I had skipped.  But I know they include answers that you get if you make common mistakes (like forgot to convert something) and it's entirely possible I got several answers like that.  I didn't have time to go back and check anything.

This wait is going to killllllll me, especially if I wait weeks just to find out I'm taking it again.  Been out of school about forever and 2 days.  Took the FE about 16 years ago. :O
