Fatty cash worth longer commute??

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To whore or not to whore -

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Miners go deep!
Nov 3, 2009
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After obtaining my PE this past October I decided to post the resume on a few sites to see what I might be worth. I'm currently in a gov't job making okay $$ considering my location, commute and time off.

I was recently offered a job in industry. The location is commutable but will be a hike (~60 miles 1.5 hr. drive one way). Initially it will be only a 5% base salary increase w/a $750 car allowance (note: I take govie cars to mine sites/training if need be currently but use personal vehcile to make the 25 min commute one way to the office). I'm told that the company will commit to a 6 mo. review at which point salary and car allowance will be increased (amount not disclosed) and then after 1 years time I would have the Chief Engr. position (currently available) at a base salary increase of ~$30k.

Now, the problem is I started my career w/a >1hr. commute and promised myself I wouldn't do that again, however; moving there may not be an option due to personal reasons (hoping to get hitched soon).

Should I suck it up and make the drive to take this opportunity which stands to increase my future marketability (not too mention wallet) substanially and forgoe the time off I have w/the govie job or sit tight and keep on keeping on with what I have??

Advice is greatly appreciated!


I would be weary of future promises. You want the company to believe in you and make the investment in you, not try you out on the cheap. If you go forward, I would get any salary increase in writing. Why can't you have the chief eng. position now? Do you have the experience?

If it was me, I think I would wait it out to a closer opportunity. The 3 hr commute per day would not be worth a 50% increase, you just don't get those hours back.

Will you be able to purchase your own private plane? Cus that's what really constitues "fatty" money. :p

While the miles seem long, how would the traffic be? Is this a "quick" 60 miles, or will you be cursing the car going 10mph in front of you for hours?

I've had commutes all over the board. Some had short miles but took forever because the highways suck (stop & go), others have long miles but is relatively quick (65mph the whole way), and every other combination. Out of all of them, the only ones that bothered me were the stop & go traffic. I don't care if I'm only going 5 miles, but if I can't get over 20mph there's something wrong and I get cranky.

Honestly, I really enjoy driving so the long miles wouldn't bother me as long as it was a "quick" drive. I'm currently doing a 30 min (each way) quick commute where I can maintain 55mph+ the whole way.

Nex question, is the work something you really want to do? You obviously have expressed an interest in it otherwise you wouldn't have applied and researched this much. But my main point is that even if you do hate the commute, would the work provide the "pick-me-up" to make it worthwhile?

If it's something that you really want to do, you'll find a way to make it work.

The daily commute sounds just god awful, with only $750 to lure you to drive that far daily. At $0.50/m thats $60/day and $1200/month. Right now you are driving 25min (assume 10miles) which banks out at $200/month. So the allowance doesn't cover the costs of you getting to work but may cover some of the costs of you driving to the mines.

I would question the "6 month performance eval for higher salary". This is said a lot to people to lure them in and then it either gets "forgetten in the shuffle" or the "current economic outlook" isn't in line with a pay raise. If they are going to give you the Chief Engr position in a year, they could give it right now unless they are waiting for someone better (no offense) or the person in the spot now isn't all the way gone for political or appearance reasons. Either way, if you decide to go for it, get it in writing that in 1 years time (365 days) from you start date you will become the Chief Engr, and that the "6 month evaluation" will have no bearing on this promotion.

GET IT IN IRONCLAD NO LOOPHOLE WRITING. Then keep a minimum three copies of said letter, one at work, one at home in a vault, and another tattooed to your chest.

Congrats on getting your PE!

I must admit, I'm a bit leary of undocumented promises.

A little background.......I was offered a very similar job almost a year ago today at the same company and in that letter it specified that I would be a Mining Engr. and once I completed my PE would attain the title of Chief Mng Engr. Well, I couldn't take the job at that point since I still had another 5 months to vest with my current job (wasn't gonna throw away "free" money)! Well, the gentleman that interviewed me in Jan. was the "Chief Engr." so I had some sour grapes and wasn't going to consider it. He met me again and explained he was now VP of Engr. and the slot (Chief) was empty and expected the person he hires (me for ex.) would attain that position once I had a years time on my belt.

When I contact him I'll ask if the company can put that in writing ----- would this change any of your original opinions if this $$ was guranteed?

The opening isn't my ideal job......like to get into explosives if anyone knows of a good demo or blasting company.......but would provide great experience. You all may be able to speak better on this but my fear is if I stay w/the gov't too long the chances of a consulting firm or company hiring me decreases due to the persona of ineptitude that surrounds govie workers. Any truth?

And lastly, the commute is on highway and country roads......few stoplights implying a constant 55mph for most of the drive. However, winter would be challenging in the mountains!

Thanks for the input!

I voted to GO, but only conditionally. This is mainly based on your statement that this job makes you more marketable.

#1 how long have you been at the current job? Better than 3 years then I don't see an issue with leaving, if you are a shortimer this doesn't look great for you job history.

#2 Only if you the like the new job based on what they are offering today for money, I agree with the others that promises of future money is basically worthless.

#3 If you are still 50/50 counter offer them a bit more $ and see what happens. Government jobs don't usually have the best pay rates so if they are offering only 5% more I am concerned, given the fact that most Govn't jobs also have better/cheaper health insurance, you could theoretically end up behind.

I voted to GO, but only conditionally. This is mainly based on your statement that this job makes you more marketable.
#3 If you are still 50/50 counter offer them a bit more $ and see what happens. Government jobs don't usually have the best pay rates so if they are offering only 5% more I am concerned, given the fact that most Govn't jobs also have better/cheaper health insurance, you could theoretically end up behind.
I did counter offer so to speak and that is when he stated that he would agree to the 6 mo. eval and the promotion after the 1 year was up (providing everything was okie dokie).

Actually, health care packages are comparable...suprisingly enough......

The more I read your comments the more skeptical I become! :mellow:

Will you be able to purchase your own private plane? Cus that's what really constitues "fatty" money. :p
You have to qualify that statement. Our chief "fatty money" expert claims the ability to buy a $200k-$300k aircraft qualifies as "fatty money". A lot of people make the assumption that I'm rich because I have an airplane. My usual response is that I was rich and single once. Then I bought a plane and got married.

I did counter offer so to speak and that is when he stated that he would agree to the 6 mo. eval and the promotion after the 1 year was up (providing everything was okie dokie).
Actually, health care packages are comparable...suprisingly enough......

The more I read your comments the more skeptical I become! :mellow:
I had a similar experience several years ago. I took the job and the hour+ commute that went with it. I overachieved and got the raise early. Any time you make a change, there are risks and unknowns involved. It all depends on what your tolerance for risk is. You also have to have an idea in your mind of what you will do at six months and one year if the promised raises and promotions don't happen.

My apologies to all "non-fatty money-making" airplane owners out there...

I've seen similar situations with other positions concerning the 1 year thing where the current employee is given 1 year to find and train their replacement. The new employee is brought on board in a temporary type position (at lower pay) to evaluate whether they would be able to fill the position. Then after 1 year on the job, the current employee is promoted to where he was trying to go and the noob officially takes over and gets the corresponding raise. It would be up to you as the replacement to show that you can take over. Like Flyer said, if you can prove yourself earlier, it only works out better for both of you.

That is not really fatty cash and I would never make that commute for that kind of a raise, if you are moving from gov to industry that alone should get you a 30% raise (unless you have an abnormally paying gov job then it might be a lower percentage) and thats not counting the commute or the PE yet. I would make the commute for about 180k, anything much less and you are sacraficing 3 hrs of your day for peanuts. I guess if they bought you a new car of your choosing every 3 years and allowed you to count your commute time against your 8 or 9 hr (9 hrs if you work a 9/80) day that way you would not be loosing that time then you could do it for less of a raise. I swear sometimes it feels like this is not an engineering forum but ditchdiggers.com that would be like a medical doctor saying oh boy I am going to make 10k more for a huge inconvince after being inconvinced for all thoes years in school lol.

Will you be able to purchase your own private plane? Cus that's what really constitues "fatty" money. :p
You have to qualify that statement. Our chief "fatty money" expert claims the ability to buy a $200k-$300k aircraft qualifies as "fatty money". A lot of people make the assumption that I'm rich because I have an airplane. My usual response is that I was rich and single once. Then I bought a plane and got married.

I did counter offer so to speak and that is when he stated that he would agree to the 6 mo. eval and the promotion after the 1 year was up (providing everything was okie dokie).
Actually, health care packages are comparable...suprisingly enough......

The more I read your comments the more skeptical I become! :mellow:
I had a similar experience several years ago. I took the job and the hour+ commute that went with it. I overachieved and got the raise early. Any time you make a change, there are risks and unknowns involved. It all depends on what your tolerance for risk is. You also have to have an idea in your mind of what you will do at six months and one year if the promised raises and promotions don't happen.
Thats a good litmus test, if you cant buy a 200-300k plane easily with your new income then its not fatty money its just a job, just having a job is ok and I hang out with my fiance and plan our frugal wedding and can be happy but its not fatty money. Until you are making enough to be able to start buying what rich people buy (NICE airplanes, luxury boats, etc) your haggling over peanuts. You may not have the leverage to get truely fatty money and if thats the case then convinence and other things take priority over the income amount at least for me, if I was faced with a commute like that I would just get a new job unless the pot was so sweet that I could see my dreams take shape with that income in a short amount of time otherwise whats the point, if I cant make enought to buy a plane then all I need is to pay my condo mortgage and some food and gas and im not going to work all that hard and enjoy my leisure time. I am not going to jump through hoops unless my dreams are on the other side otherwise I am going to chill out and figure out how to build leverage.

rppearso's return reminded me of a recent article in the Wall Street Journal:
I heard about that article but hadn't read it. Interesting occupation.

rppearso's return has me ROFLMAO! Might drive an hour for 180k. Anything less, just wasting time. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was putting down my Cardinal. I don't accept criticism of my bird from anybody making less than $1.5M per year or flying anything less than a Malibu Mirage, much less somebody silly enough to spend too much for an engineering degree. Not exactly evidence of financial wizardry.

Are you kidding? He would never drive even if he was making $180k. That's why they have personal drivers...

Next on the EB Lifetime Channel: Driving Mrs. Rppearso

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