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Congrats Mike! My wife is due a month from today. She is going in for surgery next week to help with her kidney issues and the doctors are legitimately worried that she might go into labor when they put her under. Here's to hoping that she holds out another few weeks after her surgery!

Love the name. We are using the middle name Grace as well. If we didn't already have a friend named Zoe, that was another name we had talked about. Instead we are going with Charlotte Grace

Thanks AE and congrats to you guys. Is this your first? Charlotte Grace is a great name too.

Yes, she will be our first. We have 7 nieces and nephews all under 5, so we've been around babies and toddlers a lot the last few years. I realize it will be a completely different ball game though when she is ours vs being able to hand her off to someone else!

A figured this is as good a place as any.

Our friends just had their second child (yay! exciting!). The pictures they sent? Big, full picture of the babies face...and also mom's nipple. I don't know if she meant to send that. Do I tell her? Pretend it didn't happen?

A figured this is as good a place as any.

Our friends just had their second child (yay! exciting!). The pictures they sent? Big, full picture of the babies face...and also mom's nipple. I don't know if she meant to send that. Do I tell her? Pretend it didn't happen?
post it on the internet...

tell her.

Side note, when #3 was born, the nurses took pics of me cutting the chord. Keeping in mind that it was 0130 and I was exhausted, I had selected all of the photos I had taken of #3 and posted to Facebook for friends and family to see. About an hour later Mrs. NJ was looking through my pictures and pointed out to me that the chord cutting picture showed her "business" at which point she asked if had posted that picture. I did what any respectable husband would do in that situation. I lied, said no, not at all and then quickly removed it. I was very thankful that it occurred in the middle of the night and maybe 1 or 2 people might have saw it.


My little sister was in the room when Mini-Dex #1 was born. She was 20 at the time and decided it was a good idea to go around the room and take "artistic" photographs during labor. She took one of Mrs Dex's business right as the baby's head started coming out. She was so disturbed over what she saw that she vowed to never have kids. That turned out to be a lie, as she now has 2 (one adopted, the other came via C-section).

Whoa. I'd definitely let her know if her hoo haw was on display.
Trust me, all evidence has since been destroyed and removed from cyber space, but the 3 minutes it took me to remove the picture from it's public display, was a very stressful 3 minutes and felt like about 20 minutes. I spent the next hour rechecking to make sure it was in fact removed.

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We just found out that the ultrasound from 4 weeks ago that said it was for certain a girl was wrong b/c the one yesterday said for certain its a boy. At least we didn't paint the room yet. Going to try and get our money back for the first one since they guarantee they will get it right. Some how I think that is going to be more trouble than the $80 is worth.
