Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss’ anti-gay views

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I wish more families had one parent that stayed home with the kids, at least until they went to school. That is a very important time in child development, and I just feel the kid, family, community, society (in a cascade) would be better off if more parents chose to do this.

We're doing that right now. We refuse to let anyone have more child-rearing / face time with our kids than us. Mama's there for every zoo trip, museum trip, meal, nap, head bump, storytime, park visit, walk, etc...

My parents both worked. I turned out fabulously.
That's your opinion. :p

Seriously, though, I try not to judge anyone in this matter. Everyone has their reasons and choices for when they work. It just happens that I agree with the Capt.

On the flip side, there are some kids who are better off with as little face time with their parents as possible...

Seriously, though, I try not to judge anyone in this matter. Everyone has their reasons and choices for when they work. It just happens that I agree with the Capt.
OK, that's good to hear. Sometimes this POV can be perceived as judgmental...I'd like any working moms who happen to be reading this thread to know that they have nothing to feel guilty about.

I'm a product of a SAHM and I'm a hell raiser...

actually, my Mother never got her drivers license, so it was my Dad who was there for every dental appt, every flute lesson, every field hockey event, dance lesson, art lesson, girl scout meeting, he came and picked me up anytime I got sick at school... even through college, he would come visit me and hang out at the bars and leave Mom home. And I started pre-school at 2 years (half days, then full days at 3 years) and kindergarten at 4 years so I really don't have many memories of spending much time with my Mom until high school when she would wait up for me until I got home from where ever and we would watch the Grand Ole Opry and the Statler Brothers until who like 1 am...

On the flip side, there are some kids who are better off with as little face time with their parents as possible...
That's the dang truth.

Seriously, though, I try not to judge anyone in this matter. Everyone has their reasons and choices for when they work. It just happens that I agree with the Capt.
OK, that's good to hear. Sometimes this POV can be perceived as judgmental...I'd like any working moms who happen to be reading this thread to know that they have nothing to feel guilty about.
That view isn't judgemental at all. Just my thoughts. I do think that generally speaking society would be much better off if at least one parent, and I prefer the mother, because I think they are a bit better at rasing kids, stays home with the kids rather sending them to a day care where Lord knows what goes on. As always, YMMV.

A working mother should feel neither guilty nor vindicated by my opinion.

My theory: there's more than one way to skin a cat. Do what works for you, your spouse, and your kid.

It's nobody's elses business.
Agreed, up until the point somebody else has to pay for it.

This is something that my wife and I have struggled with, but came to the conclusion that both of us working is the better scenario for us.


1. my wife has always been the higher wage earner, and I didn't want to stay home. :)

2. She has always had guilt about 'missing time' with them, but said she feels that she needs her career to feel balanced.

3. We figured that we could easily live off of my salary, and her stay home for the young years, but with her earning a nice salary, we could save up more for later in life.

We ultimately decided that by both working, we would be in a much better financial situation to help our kids out in the future.

A good possible example: We may have enough money to retire early and be the free daycare for our grandkids, that would save the $1,600 a month that we pay. I'm sure our kids will appreciate that at the time as much as they'd appreciate a zoo trip now.

BTW, we still take them on a family vacation every year, and do many weekend trips to zoo's, parks, etc. My wife is home by 3:30 in the afternoon, and they get home from school at 2:50. I don't think that extra 40 minutes a day is worth giving up $100k per year.

Basically, I agree fully with what VTE said above.

Disclaimer: as a conservative, I many times wish that things were the way they were in the 50's and 60's, when a single income household was the norm, but those days are gone. Although, I still hold out hope it can somehow get close to that again. For the simplistic reasons of it, not because I think a woman's place is in the home or anything.

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The grilled chicken club is da bomb, but the regular sammich has it beat on a cost/benefit ratio.

Let's just combine topics.....

when the gay couple has kids, who stays home from work to take them for lunch at Chick-fil-A ?

(I know, I know, very insensitive joke)

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Love me some waffle cut fries.
I used to absolutely loathe them, but after a while got used to them. I'd still prefer regular cut fries, but it is a pretty cool idea and everyone associates it immediately with CFA.

^ not everyone does...I don't...I love waffle fries and have since I was a kid no association to anything really

^I'm guessing differences in regional culture...never even heard of waffle fries until I visited CFA.
