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Two New Engalnd area large retailers that are no more were Lechmere's (24 stores) and Bradlee's (>100 stores). Sad to see them go.

I remember Bradlees and Caldor quite vividly!

I remember Bradlees and Caldor quite vividly!
I worked at Caldor... and I also got "fired" from Caldor at the end of my six-month probationary period. My boss (who I swear was a lesbian before it was cool to be a lesbian) said "I think you'd be happier working someone else." And I replied, "I sure would if you can have my paycheck ready by tomorrow." Done!

How could I have forgotten Caldor's? My wife worked there when we started dating. Yep. I remember Zayre's turning into Ames for a while too.

Reminds me a little of the Retail Rodeo, from "The Good Girl"

Cheryl: Sit right down here, ma'am. We're going to make you pretty. Now how do you like your hair?

Big Haired Woman: What? Are you going to do my hair?

Cheryl: No, I just need to know if that's your usual way of wearing it, all big and high. If it is, I'll just put more makeup on your chin to offset it. You're going to want to take a whole bottle of this home with you. It's got quite a lot of ingredients in it, so you're getting a good deal. It's got ginkgo extract in it. Do you know what that is?

Big Haired Woman: No.

Cheryl: It's extract of the ginkgo, and it makes your skin real slick so that any liquid will roll right off you, be it water, or lemon juice, or urine. I'll put it in a bag for you.

can't see the link from work.

Although the local medicine shoppe closed last week by us. I was wondering how long they were going to make it once the walgreens came in 3 yrs ago and a medical supply store opened a block away this spring.
