Death of the movie star

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I dont know about ya'll but I get sucked into watching Band of Brothers every time it comes one, but I only needed to see Saving Private Ryan once.
Band of Brothers (to me) shows how a group of individuals were thrown together to make the best of nothing and find success, every time I watch it I am just in awe of what the WWII Generation acheived oversees..
Ditto! :thumbs: It doesn't even matter which episode of the series happens to be on. I get drawn into it right away. The storyline, the screen play, the individual character development and experiences, it was all so well done. Have you seen The Pacific yet?

The Pacific never really got the hype and following that BoB did, so unfortunately I never remember to track it down to start watching. It's one I'd like to see.

I mainly disliked castaway cause I just cant stand Helen Hunt, I am glad she isnt in many movies these days,, something about her just makes me want to shoot holes in my TV
What about Lele Sobieski? They could pass for mother/daughter.
I have said that for years, I wonder why they never put them in a movie together, or in one of those movies that a character ages from 20 to 40.
