Curve Questions on the Breadth (AM) Portion of Exam

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Mar 19, 2014
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Hi all, I'm reviewing the NCEES specifications for the Civil Breadth exam (, and I was hoping someone could clarify what is expected by Horizontal and Vertical curves. Transportation topics are admittedly my weakest area (I am taking the Geotech exam), and I don't know if items such as spiral, compound, and reverse curves will be on the morning portion of the exam, or if only simple circular curves will be covered. Similarly, for vertical curves, will we see both symmetrical and asymmetrical, and crest and sag? I assume the answer is yes for the vertical curves, but I'm really unsure about the extent of horizontal curves that will be covered.

Any comments you can offer that will help guide my review of those topics (if necessary) would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


It is my belief that the Civil PE, AM exam, Transpo topic, will not include spiral (over 95% confidence ;) ). No on compound (95% confidence). Probably no on reverse but since they really are just two circular curves back to back, you could possibly see them (90% sure you won't).

For VCs, you likely will not see asymmetrical (95% confident). Crest and sag? You absolutely will see these.

Others might have better advice.

Good luck.
