Costanza Moves

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Well-known member
May 9, 2018
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What do you do when you need to bug out a little early or take a long lunch in these open space environments?

I have an old phone that I keep in a drawer and leave it charging so people think I just stepped away, or is in one of the never ending meetings, because gasp, no one leaves their phone unattended for very long.

My employer doesn’t impose strict schedules, so I take long lunches sometimes, and other times just eat lunch at my desk. Heck, some mornings I come in at 5:30am, and some at 9am.

For me, it’s much more about getting the work done than it is about adhering to a pre-defined schedule.

I just tell my boss, since I'm the only person in this building who reports to a project that's 3 hours away.

The charge-the-old-phone idea is brilliant, though.

My employer doesn’t impose strict schedules, so I take long lunches sometimes, and other times just eat lunch at my desk. Heck, some mornings I come in at 5:30am, and some at 9am.

For me, it’s much more about getting the work done than it is about adhering to a pre-defined schedule.

I am not really someone looking to ditch out of work, I am just new and am not 100% "busy" yet, which is annoying. I came from a small firm where no one cared when you were in the office as long as the work is done.

Its weird because everyone around me is super slammed and It is taking longer than it should to get integrated.  Boss just says to be patient and that "they have a plan / system"

I am just hoping to be to the point soon where the day goes by fast again.  

I have so many of these. 

I try to leave something behind like my coat... In the past, I'd rough it and only carry my wallet, a key to my car, and my phone and just leave my large tote bag somewhere near my desk. Even if it was cold outside. When I was a consultant sitting on client site, I would say I had a meeting at the home office (I worked for a really really big company) if I was running super late. 

I would also park near a different door so that people would see me walking around the building, looking like I've been there the entire time.

Now, I just leave my desk lamps on and close my door. People think I just stepped away.

When I leave my office early, I make sure to make direct eye contact with my boss the entire time I'm passing by his office, as a power move.

Honestly, I generally come in at least 15 minutes late. After that I space out for about an hour. I just stare at my desk and it looks like I'm working. I do that for about another hour after lunch, too. I say in a given week I only do about 15 minutes of real actual work. It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. Where's the motivation.

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Way back when I spent a good part of my day on messenger or on message boards, about once every couple of hours, I found a random CBO dot gov report then sent it to the printer. Then I would walk back and forth from the printer really fast shuffling the papers saying "oh! okay! this makes sense now!" 

I have a good relationship with my boss. I'm honest with him with whatever is going on, and he trust me to manage my time and get my work done.

This is the correct answer. It's a shame that so many workplaces micromanage employees.

We actually have a company policy called "OLT": stands for "Out Less Than (2 hours)". Any salaried employee can take up to 2 hours per day off without using personal time if it's something that can't be avoided during the work day. Acceptable uses include: doctor's appointments, car repairs, kid/school activities, legal type meetings (notary, lawyer, etc). Unacceptable uses are anything that you could do on your own time, like haircuts, social events, PE studying, exercising, etc. It's a great policy. People who abuse it get reprimanded or fired. We have a pretty strict policy that "errors of intent" are completely unacceptable. That means if you do something wrong on purpose that you knew was wrong, then you're out. 


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