Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

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Mental health is definitely a big part of it. I think there are societal issues as well. We glorify violence in movies, TV, video games, etc. I mean seriously, how many first player shoot 'em up games are there? And if there aren't enough high speed chases, explosions and shots fired in a movie, it gets panned for lacking 'action.' You get some wacko who ain't wrapped too tight who thinks he's a hero or he's getting revenge or whatever.
Sounds like a red herring to me. There's no clear evidence the violence in movies, television, video games, songs, books, comics, manga, (etc., etc.) is having an impact on crime rate.

Am I the only one here who finds Obama's "outrage" to be pandering? Where's his outage against the number of Pakistani children killed by UAVs? Over the last eight years, It's an order of magnitude higher than what we're talking about in CT and it is sanctioned by the Obama or his Administration. Surely he doesn't think American children are any more valuable than children throughout the world...

Look up Operation Northwoods. It will show you how far the government will go to achieve its goals.

And that was waaaay back in the Kennedy era.

clearly government mind control was involved. I've been wearing my tinfoil helmet ever since that day.

I keep wondering how long it will be until they find a copy of Catcher in the Rye in his belongings.

This clears up questions I had about the guy they arrested in the woods....

Much of the "second shooter" speculation was spurred by a man who was detained and released after being spotted in the woods outside the school. Numerous witnesses and TV stations reported seeing a man handcuffed and placed in a police car on Friday morning. After he was interviewed and released, police moved on to other matters, but the record was never fully cleared up and the event got lost in the larger story, leading many to believe the arrest was being actively suppressed. We admit it took a bit of digging to discover that others had figured out that the man in question was most likely Chris Manfredonia, the father of a Sandy Hook student, who attempted to sneak into the school after the shooting started. Police can be heard relaying his name over their radios, but few outlets managed to follow up with that detail.

Also clears up erroneous reports that the shooter was a student's father.
